第十讲 连词合成词派生词.ppt

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第十讲 连词合成词派生词

第十讲 连词合成词派生词 连词概述:连词是连接词与词、短语、从句或句子的词。它是虚词,不能独立充当句子成分。 连词类别 从连词本身的形式来看,可分为: 简单连词:and if or 短语连词:as if as well as in order that as soon as 关联连词:not only…but also… both…and 分词连词:assuming provided supposing given 从连词的含义及其所连接的成分的性质来分: 并列连词: and or but for therefore 从属连词又有: 引导名词性从句(即主语、表语、宾语从句) that if whether 引导状语从句的: although because when since等。 连词的作用 并列连词的作用:用于连接并列成分,表示并列、 顺序、增添、结果、目的、转折、重复、选择、 对比、因果等不同意义。如: They shook hands and began to talk.(顺序) Time and tide wait for no man. (并列) He can speak not only Italian, but also French. (添加) The car is old but in good condition(转折) He must be mad or drunk.(选择) He likes football while I like baseball. (对比) Would you go and fetch some water? (目的) She cried on and on. (重复) It began to rain, so we went home. (结果) He has to stay up tonight, for there is a lot of work to do. (原因) 从属连词的作用:1)引导从句,包括名词性从句(主语、表语、宾语和同位语从句)和状语从句(时间地点条件让步原因比较程度结果目的状语从句)。 It is obvious that we need more equipment. (主) I insisted that he should go with us.(宾语) The reason was that she didn’t like the color of the house.(表语) The news that the experiment has been a success excited him.(同位语) Sit wherever you like.(地点) Because I was ill, I didn’t go to school.(原因) He timed himself so that he would not arrive at his destination too early.(目的) I’ll tell him that as soon as I see him.(时间) Things are almost as they were before.(比较) It stretched as far as the eye could reach.(程度) Unless paying by credit card, please pay in cash. (unless引导条件状语从句) 2)引导不定式。 I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. 3) 引导-ing结构。 After finishing his work, he watched TV. 4) 引导-ed结构。 Unless told otherwise, come here at 8 oclock. 5) 引导无动词结构。 If necessary, I’ll come at once. 单元练习 1. He was so tired that he fell asleep ___ he went to bed. a. as if b. even though c. ever since d. as soon as 2. ____ you _____he is able to ski, but I am. a. Neither; nor b. Not on


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