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There are three moods , indicative , imperative and subjunctive in English. The indicative mood is used to make factual statements , the subjunctive mood to indicate doubt or unlikelihood , and the imperative mood to express a command. Now let’s look at another three examples. 虚拟语气在条件句中的基本情况归纳 Some special situations If虚拟句中的特殊情况(3) 直击高考 直击高考 直击高考 (2014湖南卷)22.If Mr. Dewey _____ present, he would have offered any possible assistance to the people there. A. were B. had been c. should be D. was 直击高考 (2014天津卷)15. ________ the morning train, he would not have been late for the meeting. A. Did he catch B. should be catch C. has he caught D. Had he caught 直击高考 (2014浙江卷 )16. They were abroad during the months when we were carrying out the investigation, or they _____ to our help. A. would have come B. could come C. have come D. had come If 虚拟句要点归纳: 1.时态一致(we should remember the table) * * were were were were were could dream could hide were were were were were would bend would cry Questions: Is he a swan? Is he a train?Is he the moon? No, he isn’t! 英语动词的语气 陈述语气 indicative 祈使语气 imperative 虚拟语气 subjunctive 不同的语气用动词的不同形式来表示 Let’s appreciate three fairy tales! 卖火柴的小女孩the little match girl. If I sold a match today, I could go home now. 这是对 情况的虚拟 现在 守株待兔waiting for a hare If I had got two rabbits yesterday, I could have had another big meal. 这是对 情况的虚拟 过去 If I should become/ were to become/ became a human being, I would be the happiest girl in the world. 这是对 情况的虚拟 将来 美人鱼的故事The Little Mermaid If Jackie Chan ___ as tall as Yaoming, he_________ basketball in NBA. (be, play) were would play 对现在情况的虚拟 对过去情况的虚拟 If there ________ these people, we ______________the foundation of new China. ( be, have) hadn’t been wouldn’t have had 对将来情况的虚拟 If the God ____me another chance, I ____ the girl: I love you!( give, tell) Should give/wer


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