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General Overview · Westerners attach importance to amativeness (恋爱)and think love is foremost.However,chinese value marriages despise love. ——ZhuGuangqian 西方人重视恋爱,有恋爱至上的标语,中国人重视婚姻而轻视恋爱。 The extent of pursuing love Manners of expressing love Attitudes toward sex Chinese they always give up true love or struggle for thierlove negatively They express thier love implicitly(含蓄地) and cautiously Westerners frankly、open、 regardless of everything Chinese They consider it immoral to have sex with someone before getting married and children are the link of couples. Westerners They think it is common for lovers to have sexual relations and sex is just a physiological needs. They care a lot about the feeling when they are with the other, instead of their external (外部的,表面的)conditions like family and job. If the feeling is good, be together Otherwise, break up~ status of women and degree of social opening China women have a low social status and they must obey the three obediences and the four virtues and have little freedom in choosing thier husbands ·western countries women play leading roles in families and enjoy a wide range of freedom Chinese And Western Views On Love ·Westerners they pursue true love boldly and love indepence and freedom Death, that hath suck’d the honey of thy breath, hath had no power yet upon thy beauty: Thou art not conquer’d; Beauty’s ensign yet is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, and death’s pale flag is not advanced there.----Romeo and Juliet 死虽然已经吸去了你呼吸中的芳蜜,却还没有力量摧残你的美貌;你还没有被他征服,你的嘴唇上、面庞上,依然显着红润的美艳,不曾让灰白的死亡进占。死亡,即使能夺走爱人的生命,却永远也不能消灭恋人间不渝的爱情。 The quiet woman from The Book of Poetry the poetry depicts lovers first date,the girl sent the boy red-tube writing brush ,the boy was too excited but responded implicitly. Chinese I loved you. I never shall. Thats the truth, Roy. I never shall. ‘我爱你,从未爱过别人,永远不会,这是真的,罗伊,永远不会。’ Marriage 结婚你不是嫁给了某一个人,而是嫁给了这个人的全部社会关系。你们俩的结合就是两个家庭的结合,他娶了你,就等于娶了你的一切,包括你的社会关


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