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minister A minister is a Protestant [‘prɑt?st?nt] (新教徒) clergyman[?kl?:d?im?n](牧师) who has been authorized in Roman Catholic [?k?θ?l?k](罗马天主教) and Eastern Orthodox [??rθ??dɑks] (东正教) churches is called a priest[prist] (神父) . Sister A female fellow member of a Christian church The word sister can also be used as a title,e.g.Sister Reed Why all the people in the church are called sisters? Because in the church ,whatever your age is , for God ,you are all God’s children. Detailed reading7-9-- sob 1 Detailed reading7-9– sob 2 Detailed reading7-9– wail 2 Lamb n [C] used to describe or address sb with affection or pity(慈爱或怜悯地描述或称呼某人)宝贝,乖乖 e.g. Your poor lamb! 可怜的宝贝 ★ashamed[not before noun] feeling embarrassed and guilty because of something you have done ashamed of/at be ashamed to do something ashamed that bitterly/deeply ashamed be/feel ashamed of yourself ★ plat?form [countable] a stage for people to stand on when they are making a speech, performing etc: eg.a small raised platform at one end of the room Detailed reading10-11– swing 1 Detailed reading10-11– swing 2 ★ knickerbockers [plural] short loose trousers that fit tightly at your knees, worn especially in the past Detailed reading10-11-- grin 1 Detailed reading10-11– grin 2 Deacon is a ministry in the Christian Church that is generally associated with service of some kind, but which varies among theological and denominational traditions. 执事是一个在基督教教会的事工,通常与某种服务,但不同的神学和教会的传统。 ★ pray [intransitive and transitive] to speak to God in order to ask for help or give thanks [? prayer]: e.g. They went to the mosque to pray. pray for e.g. Let us pray for peace. pray to e.g. Martha prayed to God for help. pray (that) e.g. He prayed that his sight might be restored. The difference between God and Jesus God is the translation of Jehovah [d???hov?] ,and Jesus is his so


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