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总结: 虽然我国服装行业面临着各种内外部风险,包括汇率风险,运行风险,国外反倾销风险等。 但是中国是十三亿人口的大国,是全世界最大的服装消费国和生产国。近几年中国的服装业有着较大的发展,服装业的发展大大推动了中国国民最大的服装生产 ,全世界每三件服装,其中一件来自于中国生产。国内的品牌服装消费具有巨大的成长空间,快速的城市化进程以及中西部地区的高速发展将成为服装消费增长的重要推动力,未来十年国内服装消费将迎来黄金增长期。 * * The analysis of clothing industry marketing environment 微观环境 Microenvironment  服装总体市场分析   衣、食、住、行是人类生活的四大元素。人们把“衣”放在首位,可见衣服对于我们的重要性。 中国人口十四亿,庞大的人口基数本身就组成了一个庞大的服装消费市场。 同时随着中国国民收入的不断飞升,在2004年人均GDP超过了1000美元后,中国市场将进入精品消费时代,服装消费将不再仅仅为了满足其最基本的生存需求,将向更高的心理需求、自我满足需求跃进,特别是几千万人口跨入中产阶级后,其对反映自身社会地位和品位的服饰的需求将越来越迫切,将成就一批抓住了该阶层需求的服装品牌。 国内服装市场将越做越大,市场细分将越来越小,但今后国内服装市场的消费趋势将集中在精品化和个性化上。 The overall apparel market analysis Clothing, food and shelter, are the four elements of human life. People put “clothing” into the first place; so, we can know the how the clothing important it is. China has a population of 1400000000. A huge population base itself on the formation of a large apparel consumer market. At the same time as Chinas national income continues to soar in 2004, per capita GDP exceeded 1,000 U.S. dollars, the Chinese consumer market will enter the era of boutique clothing consumer will no longer just to meet their most basic needs for survival, will be higher psychological needs to meet the needs of self-leap, especially after a few million people into the middle class, their social status and reflect their own taste of the increasingly urgent demand for clothing, the achievements of a number of the class needs to seize the clothing brand. The domestic apparel market grew and grew, market segmentation will become increasingly smaller, but the future trend of the domestic apparel market will focus on consumer-oriented and personalized boutique on. 一、供应商市场需求与供给 Suppliers to the market demand and supply 这个需考虑到全国经济发展不均衡的国情,服装行业的供求情况地区差异较大。所以需要分地区来分析市场的供求情况。就中国来讲,大可分为东部,中部和西部。东部发展势头平稳供不应求情况较多,中部次之,西部最差。 The need to take into account the uneven economic development in the countrys national conditions, supply and demand of the ap


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