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Teaching as Mountaineering What are the popular ideas about the role of teacher in Chinese society? What’s Wrong with These Analogies? Candle Gardener Soul molder Preacher Actor Researcher Structure of the Text Para. 1, 2, 3 Part 1: Introduction The incident of a student scaling the library Question for Para. 1 and 2 What are the similarities and differences between the student’s scaling the wall and mountaineering? Language Points Spectacle: (usu derog 通常作贬义) object of attention, esp sb/sth unusual or ridiculous 注意的目标; (尤指)不同寻常的或滑稽的人[事物]: The poor fellow was a sad spectacle. 那可怜的家伙看着就叫人难过. (idm 习语) make a `spectacle of oneself draw attention to oneself by behaving, dressing, etc ridiculously, esp in public (因行为﹑ 穿着等)出丑, 出洋相: make a spectacle of oneself by arguing with the waiter 跟服务员争吵而出丑. Scale: To climb up or over; ascend: 攀登:爬上或超越;攀登: scaled the peak. Paraphrase Discipline: method by which training may be given: Yoga is a good discipline for learning to relax. Hope was all we could offer from our vantage point in Ketchum Hall, the impulse to rush out and catch him being checked by the realization of futility. From our position in Ketchum Hall, we could do nothing but offer hope, since we have realized it is useless to act upon the impulse to rush out and catch him. Apt : suitable; appropriate She‘s one of my aptest students. very apt at programming a computer ~ to do sth likely or having a tendency to do sth 易: apt to be forgetful, careless, quick-tempered, etc * Correspond: To be similar or equivalent in character, quantity, origin, structure, or function: The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament. Rigorous: A test, system, or procedure that is rigorous is very thorough and strict. Rappel The act or method of descending from a mountainside or cliff by means of a belayed rope that is passed under one thigh and over the opposite shoulder so that it can b


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