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第7讲 图的算法
第4章 图的算法 图的概念 图的搜索问题 拓扑排序 强连通分支 最小生成树算法 最短路径算法 欧拉回路与中国邮递员问题 网络流及其应用 1. 图的概念 Graphs Definitions Graph Traversals Depth First Search (DFS) Breadth First Search (BFS) Topological Sort Shortest Paths Problems Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) 哥尼斯堡七桥问题 从任一地出发,是否能在每座桥只通过一次的前提下,游历全城最后又返回到原出发地? 有向图 有向图(directed graph, digraph)定义为二元组 G = (V, E) 这里 V 是顶点(节点)的集合, E 是边的集合(一条边表示为两个顶点组成的有序二元组). Vertices are often also called nodes. 边集 E 中的元素 (v, w) 是有方向的,通常用带箭头的线段表示。 无向图 无向图 (undirected graph)定义为二元组 G = (V, E) 这里 V 是顶点(节点)的集合, E 是边的集合 (一条边表示为两个顶点组成的无序二元组). E is a set of unordered pairs of distinct elements of V. Vertices are often also called nodes. Elements of E are called edges, or undirected edges. Each edge may be considered as a subset of V containing two elements, {v, w} denotes an undirected edge In diagrams this edge is the line v---w. In text we simple write vw, or wv vw is said to be incident upon the vertices v and w 赋权图 A weighted graph is a triple (V, E, W) where (V, E) is a graph (directed or undirected) and W is a function from E into R, the reals for an edge e, W(e) is called the weight of e. 图的表示 邻接矩阵 Let G = (V,E), n = |V|, m = |E|, V = {v1, v2, …, vn) G can be represented by an n ? n matrix 赋权图的邻接矩阵 邻接链表阵列 赋权图的邻接链表阵列 复杂度分析 邻接表阵列表示法所需要的存储空间为: O(max(V,E))= O(V+E) 有关图的术语 Subgraph complete graph Adjacency relation Path, simple path, reachable Connected, Strongly Connected Cycle, simple cycle acyclic undirected forest free tree, undirected tree rooted tree Connected component 子图、阶与路径 A subgraph G =(V,E) of a graph G=(V,E) consists of a subset of V?V, and E ? E, such that each edge in E is a connection between a pair of vertices in V. The number of vertices is denoted by |V|, and the number of edges is denoted by |E|. A sequence of vertices, v1,v2,...,vn forms a path of length n–1 if there exist edges from vi to vi+1 for 1 ≤ i n. 环路与连通性 A cycle is just a nonempty path such that the first and last vertices are iden