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Lesson 2 General information on Canada, Australia and New Zealand Starter 1. identify the following pictures, and say what you know about them Kangaroo [,k??ɡ?ru?] 袋鼠 Koala [k??ɑ?l?] 树袋熊 Kiwi [‘ki:wi:]几维鸟 (新西兰国鸟) polar bear 北极熊 Pre-reading: tell us much as you know about the following places. Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Toronto Ottawa Greenland Canada location and area Canada is the world’s second largest country in are after Russia, with total area of nearly 10 million square km. It extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward in to the Arctic Ocean, sharing land borders with the USA to the south and northwest. Arctic Ocean 北冰洋 Pacific Ocean 太平洋 Atlantic Ocean 大西洋 USA 美 国 USA 美 国 Ottawa 渥太华 Toronto 多伦多 Greenland 格陵兰岛 尼亚加拉瀑布视频欣赏 落基山脉视频欣赏 People and Government Population 35million (2013) Capital city Ottawa Largest city in Canada Toronto Government system Constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制 Government House of Commons 下议院 Head of Government Prime Minister 总理 Representative of Queen Governor General 总督 Official head of State British monarch 英国君主 Official languages English and French Climate and Environment Colder----------------------------------------warmer wet wet populated Average January temperature is -18℃ July and August upper 20℃ Economy and Currency *G8: Group of Eight. 八国集团。八大工业国美国、日本、德国、法国、英国、意大利、加拿大及俄罗斯的联盟,以往被称为“富国俱乐部”。 Natural resources: forestry(森林), mining(采矿), oil(石油) and gas extraction (煤气提炼), farming and fishing Telecommunications(电信), biotechnology(生物科技), aerospace [e?r??spe?s] (航空和航天) technology Monetary unit:Canadian dollar (CAD) National Symbols and Holidays National of Canada: Maple leaf Canadian national anthem: O Canada Royal anthem: God Save the Queen Representative animal: Beaver 河狸 Official national sports: ice hockey(冰球,冬季), lacrosse(长曲棍球,夏季),Golf, baseball, skiing, soccer, volleyball and basketball.



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