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第 24卷第 10期    计算机应用与软件 Vol.24 No. 10 2007年 10月   ComputerApplications and Sofwt are Oc.t 2007 王伟皓 郑 宁 (  310018)    物化视图是数据仓库中提高查询效率的有效手段, 物化视图的选择 一直是数据仓库领域的 究热点。 通过 究和实验, 提出在物化视图选择中加入权限因子, 将各候选视图的权限值纳入算法评价函数的计算中, 使最终得到的物化视图集既能面向企业 基层提供 OLAP查询, 又能保证企业决策层 OLAP查询的速度。   数据仓库 物化视图选择 权限因子 遗传算法 DESIGN OF PRIVILEGE FACTOR IN MATERIAL IZED VIEW S SELECTION W angWeihao Zheng N ing (Schoolof Computer, HangzhouD ianziUniversity, Hangzhou 310018, Z hejiang, China) Abstract  M aterialized view is an effectivem ethod for improving the efficiency of enquires in dataw arehouse, and the selection ofm ateria-l ized view s is one of the mi portant issues in dataw arehouse dom ain. Privilege factor is added to algorithm ofm aterialized view s selection in o-r der to dealw ith privilege value during the calcu lation p rocess of evaluation function. In thisw ay, the final selected collection of m aterialized view s can not noly support the OLAP enqu ires for grass roots of enterprise, bu t also guarantee the response speed of theOLAP enquires for d-e cision-layer of enterprises. K eywords  Data warehouse M aterialized view s selection Privilege factor Genetic algorithm , 0   。 、、   [1] , 。 , , 。 , , 。 。 , , , () 。 , , OLAP。 。 , 、, 1: Sales, Part、Customer、Supplier [2] , 。 , , 。 [4, 6] [3, 5] 、



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