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河 北 工 业 大 学 毕 业 论 文 作 者: ***** 学 号: ****** 学 院: 经济管理学院 系(专业): 市场营销系 题 目:**教育公司的网络营销方案研究 指导老师: **** 副教授 评阅老师: 2013年6月5日 毕业论文中文摘要 **教育公司的网络营销方案研究 摘要: **教育是一家专门做考研培训的教育机构。成立十几年来,已经逐渐发展壮大并在业内产生一定影响。随着教育培训行业的兴起,越来越多的竞争对手加入,导致行业竞争越来越激烈。对于**教育来说,吸引学员、扩大自身影响力成为当前企业发展的重要目标。目前,传统的营销方式由于投入的成本过高,已经越来越不能适应行业的发展。而建立在计算机网络技术发展与消费者生活习惯改变基础上的网络营销作为一种新型营销方式,具有成本低、效率高、效果好的特点,受到了广大教育行业从业机构的青睐。在这样的网络环境下,公司从05年开始制定自己的网络营销战略,并创建了自己的网站。 本论文运用市场营销理论、网络营销理论、PEST分析等对**教育进行了外部环境分析、竞争对手分析,通过直接访谈法收集有关**教育的消费者 关键词:教育培训 网络营销 消费者偏好 毕业论文英文摘要 Title The internet marketing plan research of Daohang education co. Abstract Navigation education is one of the best to do ones deceased father grind training education institutions. Founded more than ten years, has gradually developed and has certain influence in the industry. With the development of education and training industry, more and more competitors to join, lead to the increasingly fierce competition in the industry. For navigation education, attract students, expand its influence has become one of the important goals of enterprise development. At present, the traditional marketing way due to the high input costs, already more and more cant adapt to the development of industry. And based on computer network technology development and the network marketing on the basis of consumer habits change as a new marketing method, the characteristics of low cost, high efficiency, good effect, got the favour of broad education industry organizations. In such a network environment, the company from 05 began to design their own network marketing strategy, and created his own web site. This paper by using the theory of marketing, network marketing theory and PEST analysis on the navigation education external environment analysis, competitor analysis. Through direct interview method to collect the consumer buying behavior factors


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