壮骨锻炼(Strong bone exercise).doc

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壮骨锻炼(Strong bone exercise)

壮骨锻炼(Strong bone exercise) Functional exercise The ability to prevent the atrophy of muscle wasting is an effective tool for early recovery. Functional exercise should give priority to with automatic, passive is complementary, from small to large, from less to more, gradually to increase, and according to the period of the ischemic necrosis of the femoral head, hip degree of functional limitations surrounding soft tissue and body constitution, choose suitable to sit, lie the exercise. 1. Raise leg and leg: hold hands, keep upright, raise your legs, make your body right angles to your thigh, right angles to your legs, and repeat with your legs. 300 times a day, 3-4 times. 2. Inner spin: hand held fixed objects, with legs respectively to do full inner rotation, abduction, rowing. 300 times a day, 3-4 times. Leg lift: lie on your back, raise your legs, make a straight line with your legs, and repeat with your body. Every 100 times, 3 or 4 times. The squat method: hand held fixed object, body erect, bipedal separation, lower squatting and rising, movement. 300 times a day, 3 to 4 times. Its legal to sit in a chair with your hands on your knees, your feet shoulder-width apart, your left leg to the left, and your right leg to the right. 300 times a day, 3-4 times. Take a walk or ride a bike. (1) functional exercise should be conducted under the guidance of professional health care workers after treatment and stability, otherwise the destruction of the femur will be aggravated. (2) functional exercise can not be violent, should take active exercise as the main, others help or passive exercise is auxiliary. (3) the occurrence of friction or bone laminates in the functional exercise is a normal reaction, and the rest will be relieved. However, if the pain is severe, the activity number and range of activity should be reduced appropriately. (4) the functional exercise should be gradual and not overhasty. (5) the disintegration of femoral head necrosis or patients with femoral


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