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主动吸收—— 是指细胞利用代谢释放的能量作功而逆着浓度差吸收矿质元素的过程 载体运输 carrier transport 离子泵运输 ion pump transport—— 质膜上存在有ATP酶,它催化ATP水解释放能量,驱动离子的转运 质子泵 proton pump 钙泵 calcium pump 4)矿质元素的主动吸收 5)胞吐作用和内吞作用 6)根系对溶液中矿质元素的吸收过程 离子被根吸收并转运到中柱的两条途径: 共质体运输——通过表皮细胞的质膜,进入共质体,经过共质体的运转到中柱 质外体运输——先通过内皮层以外的质外体,然后通过内皮层的质膜进入到中柱 7)植物体内有机物质的转运 从“源” source 到“库(汇)”sink。 “同侧运输,就近供应”。 ? 压力流动学说 pressure-flow hypothesis:德国植物生理学家Munch (1927)提出的。 -----The pressure-flow hypothesis 树皮环割实验—— 示韧皮部物质的转运方向 不同发育阶段植物体内同化物 的分配和转运 营养生长期 果期 思考题: 植物体内水分运输与矿质元素和有机物运输的关系? ?压力流动学说 pressure-flow hypothesis:德国植物生理学家Munch (1927)提出的。 木质部与韧皮部结构特点与物质运输? 植物元素缺乏症有哪些? * Web Figure 4.2.A?? Soil hydraulic conductivity as a function of the water potential of the soil. Conductivity measures the ease with which water moves through the soil. The decrease in conductivity as the soil dries is due primarily to the movement of air into the soil to replace the water. As air moves in, the pathways for water flow between soil particles become smaller and more tortuous, and flow becomes more difficult. The overall shape of this curve is representative of many soils, but the shape for a particular soil may be influenced by the size distribution of its particles and by its organic matter content. The field capacity is the amount of water the soil is able to retain against gravitational forces. The permanent wilting point is the soil water potential value at which plants cannot regain turgor pressure even at night, in the absence of transpiration. * * Primarily through root hairs High surface area greater solute potential than surrounding soils (water enters by osmosis) active transport of mineral ions into the cells ATP required to pump ions in (against a concentration gradient) plasma membranes contain protein transport channels with proton pumps Ions may follow the cell walls and the spaces between them non-selective movement bi-directional blocked at the endodermis by the casparian strips Ions can also move directly through th
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