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5 3 ( ) 生命科学研究 Vol . 5 No . 3( Suppl. ) 2 0 0 111 Life Science Research Nov. 2001 X 覃建兵, 何光源 ( , 430074) : 小麦作为最重要的3 大禾谷作物之一, 其离体培养 有很强的惰性, 再生频率与水稻玉米相比要低 一些, 目前大多通过对基因型和外植体的选择来达到植株的高频再生分化, 因此其遗传转化就远远滞后于水 稻和玉米, 更不用说与其它双子叶植物相比了. 重点综述了小麦转基因技术和外源基因在小麦中的遗传转化 研究现状, 其内容包括几种主要的小麦转基因方法和以基因枪法为主的各种转化技术对品质基因抗除草剂 基因和抗病等基因在小麦中的遗传转化研究进展, 并对存在的一些问题进行了简要的论述. : 小麦 遗传转化 研究现状 : Q7 8 : A : 1007- 7848( 2001) S0- 0110- 07 Current Status on the Wheat Transgenic Research QIN Jian-bing, HE Guang-yuan ( The Institute of Plant Genetic Engineering, theSchool of Lfi e Science and Technology , Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, hina) Abstract : As one of the most important crops, wheat have strong inertia in vitro culture. Compare with the rice and maize, the regeneration frequency of wheat is very low . Now , screening genotype and its explants are the general w ay to increase the plant regenerat ion rate. So the wheat transgenic researches are lagged behind rice and maize, and say nothing of comparing w ith the dicotyledonous plants. The paper aimed at the research status of main trans- genic techniques in wheat and transferring the transeunt gene into wheat , the content include researches of the quali- ty gene, resistant herbicide gene and other important genes transferred into the wheat w ith all kinds of methods, es- pecially the w ay of particle bombardment . And existent problems on wheat transformation are discussed. Key words: wheat transformat ion research status


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