《梦幻西游》孩子知识教导(方便查询篇)(The childrens knowledge instruction (easy to query)).doc

《梦幻西游》孩子知识教导(方便查询篇)(The childrens knowledge instruction (easy to query)).doc

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《梦幻西游》孩子知识教导(方便查询篇)(The childrens knowledge instruction (easy to query))

《梦幻西游》孩子知识教导(方便查询篇)(The childrens knowledge instruction (easy to query)) Fantasy Westward Journey child knowledge instruction (convenient inquiry chapter) The child taught only 8 times a day, a 50 point proposal to answer with vitality. The mentality, then in accordance with the children worship into martial art, such as: DT and HS of children with child force spells. By focusing on the food constitution can fill. When the child was born. Everything is 0. only four options the answer to the question with constitution. (the following questions according to the first letter of alphabet arrangement) please use the fast Alt+F search. B: 1. other children have their own favorite toys, what should I do? See others play very happy + mentality, and he exchange toys + magic, ask him to give yourself + force 2. on the way, if the robber robbed the purse, what should I do? After force even bankruptcy + report + government + spell mentality D: 1. I read on the school, you will buy me what books? Weapon + force chess + + spell mentality fantasy novel G: 1., when the new year, you will buy what color of new clothes for me? Red + body, blue + magic, Yellow + mentality, green + force 2. what is the new years atmosphere during the Spring Festival? Watch the lion dance + house + Hershey family mentality force to eat dumplings + physical couplets pairs + spell H: 1. flowers so beautiful, why still withered? So the sun and rain fall will result ah Wu Lihua + + this is the natural law + spell mentality 2., and the children about to go out to play, but it started to rain, what should I do? Rain appointment + force disaster, not to go + mentality, waiting for rain stop + magic 3. its so boring. Pick a story and tell me. Journey to the West Story + magic, Confucius Story + mentality, the Three Kingdoms story + force 4. which game is better to play with children? Shrimp fishing mentality + + spell tiaopijin + ghost mage cops and robbers + physical force 5., and other children have a contrad


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