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第四十六课:古玩城 2 Episode 46: Antique Market 2 shūshu sǎozi nínkàn zhâgepánziháibúcuî jiùshìyánsâbútàihǎo 叔 叔:嫂子,您 看 。这个盘子还不错,就 是 颜色不太 好 。 Uncle: Look at this sister-in-law. This plate is not bad, but the colours not so good. màijiā ɑi yìtīngnínzhâmeshuōjiùshìwàihánɡle wǒzhâpánzikěshì 卖 家:唉,一 听 您 这么 说 就 是 外 行 了。我这 盘子可是 m íngcháode nǐshuō m íngcháodepánzichuándàoxiànzàiyánsânãngtâ 明 朝 的!你 说 ,明 朝 的盘子 传 到 现 在 颜色 能 特 xiānyànme xiānyàndedōu shìfǎngpǐn zhâgepánzi shìwǒjiāzǔ 鲜 艳 么? 鲜 艳 的都 是 仿 品。这个盘子,是我家祖 chuánde jùshuōyǒusānbǎiniándelìshǐle 传 的,据 说 有 三 百 年 的历史了。 Vendor :Oh, as soon as I hear you say that I know youre no expert. This plate is from the Ming dynasty !Do you think that a plate from the Ming dynasty could still keep its bright colour now? The bright ones are reproductions. This plate is from my ancestors ,apparently its 300 years old. māmɑ nàzhâzuîdeyětàicūcāole 妈妈:那这 做得也太粗糙 了。 Mom: Well the workmanship is very rough. màijiā zhâshì m ínyáo de jiùshìm ínjiānyìrãnzuîde guānyáo 卖 家:这 是 “民 窑”的,就 是 民 间 艺人 做的。“ 官 窑” deyìbāndōubǐjiàoxìzhì búguîjiàgãtàiguìle zánmenlǎobǎixìngkě 的一般 都 比 较 细致,不过 价格太 贵了,咱 们 老 百 姓 可 mǎibùqǐ 买不起。 Vendor :This is fired from a “civilian kiln ”,made by folk artists. The stuff from imperial kilns ”is usually finer, but theyre too expensive, we ordinary folks cant afford it. shūshu lǎobǎn nínzhâpánzizěnmemài 叔 叔:老 板,您 这 盘子怎么卖 ? Uncle: Boss, how much do you want for the plate? màijiā zhâge yìbānrãnwǒkāijiàjiùděiwǔqiān wǒkànnínbǐjiào 卖 家:这个……一般 人我开 价 就 得五 千 ,我看 您 比 较 dǒngháng zhâyàngba nínyěbiãkǎnle sānqiān wǒjiāonínzhâgepãng 懂 行 ,这 样 吧,您也别 砍 了,三 千 !我 交 您 这个 朋 you 友 。 Vendor :Well …usually Id start at five thousand ,but seeing as youre an expert,how about this, final price ,three thousand !Im offering you the price as a friend. shūshu sānqiān 叔 叔:三 千 ? Uncle: Three


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