养育出色宝宝爸妈分工攻略(Parenting wonderful baby division of labor Raiders).doc

养育出色宝宝爸妈分工攻略(Parenting wonderful baby division of labor Raiders).doc

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养育出色宝宝爸妈分工攻略(Parenting wonderful baby division of labor Raiders)

养育出色宝宝爸妈分工攻略(Parenting wonderful baby division of labor Raiders) Men and women are from different planets, and new research has found that men and women differ greatly in terms of parenting, which can be described as a man, a left woman, and the right. Mom and dad have different parenting brains Men and women have basically the same brain structure, but slightly different in size, thickness, etc.. Generally speaking, mens right brain is more developed, womens left brain is more developed, and the left brain and right brain are respectively in charge of different capacity areas. Father and mother in the process of raising children communication barriers from this difference, there are two ways to solve the contradiction, first, assigned to dad more suitable for his parenting tasks. Second, more tolerance and mutual understanding. Dad loves to see the babys smiling face. Mom is good at close contact with children. When Im with my children, my father and mother are good at each other. For dads, childrens happy faces are the biggest motivation, so outdoor activities, games and showers are for dads. Have a happy and excited child substance dopamine can promote the expression of the father in the brain, it can let dad brain excitement, so the dynamic game or is accompanied by the tension of the work such as bathing, Dad are good. The more excited the child is, the more dad feels encouraged and so more willing to take care of the child. And mother is better at close contact care behavior, such as coax children to sleep. On the one hand, oxytocin causes mothers to be as close as possible to their children; on the other hand, mothers have better skin feelings than fathers, which makes intimate contact a happier feeling for mothers. Dad doesnt like routine and petty care, and mom is not good at keeping her kids at the right distance. Male hormones cause dads to keep looking for excitement and change. Hes not good at routine care, such as sleeping and changing diapers. These l



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