新目标英语八年级(上) 词语辨析(Units 1~3).doc

新目标英语八年级(上) 词语辨析(Units 1~3).doc

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新目标英语八年级(上) 词语辨析(Units 1~3)

新目标英语八年级(上) 词语辨析(Units 1~3)1. how often, how many times (1) how often意为“多久(一次)”,用来询问某动作间隔多久进行一次,即用来询问动作间隔的时间长度或动作发生的频率,即可以用来对once a week(一周一次), twice a year(一年二次), three times a day(一天三次)等频度状语进行提问#65377;例如: Li Ming goes shopping twice a month.(对划线部分提问) →How often does Li Ming go shopping? (2) how many times是用来询问次数的,意为“多少次”#65377;常对once(一次), twice(两次), three times(三次)等状语进行提问#65377;例如: ―How many times did you go to Beijing? 你到北京去过几次? ―Oh, many times. 噢,去过许多次了#65377; [练习]用how often或how many times填空#65377; ① ―________ do you help your mother do the housework, Danny? ―Once a week. ② ―________ have you been to Shanghai before? ―Three times. ③ ―________ do you have to take this medicine a day? ―Three times. ④ ―________ do you go to the country to see your grandparents, Li Ming? ―Twice a year. Key: ① How often② How many times③ How many times ④ How often 2. hardly, hard hardly和hard不是简单的派生关系#65377;在词典中,两者是以独立的词条出现的#65377; hardly与hard在词义#65380;词性和句法作用上都有所不同#65377; (1) hardly是副词,意为“几乎不”#65380;“简直不”,多和can连用#65377; can hardly在意思上接近于almost not#65377; hardly也可作“几乎没有”解,后面常跟any#65377; hardly any在意思上接近于almost no#65377;例如: The farmer and his wife can hardly make their way through such a large crowd. 这一对农村夫妇几乎无法从这么一大群人中间挤过去#65377; There’s hardly any coal left. 几乎没有剩余的煤了#65377; Once you are used to smoking, you can hardly give it up. 你一旦养成了抽烟的习惯,就很难把它戒掉#65377; (2) hard可用作形容词或副词#65377;用作形容词时, hard作“困难的”#65380;“硬的”#65380;“勤奋的”#65380;“严厉的”#65380;“苛刻的”解#65377;例如: That means that once you start taking the drug, it is hard to give it up. 这就意味着,你一旦吸上毒,就很难戒掉#65377; Steel is harder than wood. 钢比木头硬#65377; Tom is a hard student. 汤姆是个很勤奋的学生#65377; hard用作副词时,意为“努力地”#65380;“猛烈地”#65380;“剧烈地”#65377;例如: It was raining hard when I got there. 我到达那里时,天正下着大雨#65377; The little girl looked at me and cried harder and harder. 那小女孩看了看我,哭得越来越厉害了#65377; The people are all working hard. 人们都在努力地工作#65377; [练习]用hard或hardly填


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