电脑常用术语中英文对照(Computer terminology, Chinese and English comparison).doc

电脑常用术语中英文对照(Computer terminology, Chinese and English comparison).doc

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电脑常用术语中英文对照(Computer terminology, Chinese and English comparison)

电脑常用术语中英文对照(Computer terminology, Chinese and English comparison) Computer terminology, Chinese and English comparison PC: personal computer Personal Computer CPU: central processing unit Central Processing Unit CPU Fan: the Fan of the central processing unit MB: motherboard MotherBoard RAM: memory Random, Access, Memory, with PC- code division specifications, such as PC-133, PC-1066, PC-2700 HDD: hard disk Hard, Disk, Drive FDD: floppy disk, Floopy, Disk, Drive CD-ROM: CD-ROM Compact, Disk, Read, Only, Memory DVD-ROM:DVD drive Digital, Versatile, Disk, Read, Only, Memory CD-RW: recorder Compact, Disk, ReWriter VGA: display card (display card, official term should be Display Card) AUD: sound card (sound card should be Sound Card) LAN: NIC (the official name of the network card should be Network Card) MODM: data card or modem Modem HUB: hub WebCam: webcam Capture: video capture card Case: chassis Power: power supply ? Moniter: screen, CRT for picture tube screen, LCD for LCD screen USB: universal serial bus Universal Serial Bus is used to connect peripheral devices IEEE1394: new high-speed serial bus specification Institute, of, Electrical, and, Electronic, Engineers Mouse: mouse, common interface specifications for PS/2 and USB KB: keyboard, common interface specifications for PS/2 and USB Speaker: Speakers Printer: printer ? Scanner: scanner ? UPS: uninterruptible power systems IDE: refers to the IDE interface specification Integrated Device Electronics and IDE interface devices refer to all kinds of devices using IDE interface SCSI: refers to the SCSI interface specification Small Computer System Interface and SCSI interface devices refer to all kinds of devices using SCSI interface GHz: (central processor, operating speed) Gega Hz / sec FSB: refers to the Front Side Bus frequency, in MHz units ATA: refers to the hard disk transmission rate of AT Attachment, ATA-133 means the transmission rate is 133MB/sec AGP: display bus Accelerated Graphics Port uses 2X, 4X, an



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