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Unit 5 Cultural differences Cultural differences are the variations in the way of life, beliefs, traditions and laws between different countries, religions, societies and people.. What are cultural differences? Lead in Warm-up Do you know? Judge the behavior Discussing When meet others, … In western countries and modern China, people often shake hands. While in South Korea and Japan, they often bow to others. When greet others, … “Have you eaten yet?” “What are you going to do?” “Where have you been?” etc. “Good morning/evening/afternoon.” “Fine day, isn’t it” “How is everything going?” When eat, … China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore etc. Canada, U.S.A., British etc. India, Countries in Middle east, Africa etc. France No flash in museum or church. Lady first. Like blue, white and red, but hate yellow. Eiffel Tower Germany Do not use the same fork eat fish and meat; Drink beer before wine; Do not send rose and lily at will. Berlin Wall Munich[‘mju:nike] Beer Britain Do not call all the U.K. people “British”; Do not talk about men’s salary and women’s age; Do not sneeze in public; Do not make fun of the royal affairs. London Bridge U.S.A Sensitive topic: race, religion, beliefs, politic; Do not hold hands; Look your partner in the eyes when talking. The Statue of Liberty Japan Avoid presenting comb as a gift; Please make big noise when you are having noodle; Do not mention any number correlate “4, 13”. Fujiyama Judge the behavior 1. Raising your voice in a public place 2. Looking someone in the eyes while speaking 3. Discussing religion with people you don’t know well 4. Asking someone’s age 5. Moving your hands while talking 6. Asking about someone’s home life Types of behavior Acceptable Unacceptable How each word relates to “Travel Manners”? Taboo means a cultural or religious custom that does not allow people to do, use or talk about a particular thing as people find it offensive


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