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摘 要 综合评价是指综合考虑受多种因素影响的事物或系统对其进行总的评价。在实际应用中,评价的对象往往受各种不确定性因素的影响而具有模糊性,将模糊理论与经典综合评价方法相结合得到的评价方法称为模糊综合评价方法。 糊综合评价就是以模糊数学为基础,应用模糊关系合成的原理,将一些边界不清、不易定量的因素定量化,从多个因素对被评价事物隶属等级状况进行综合性评价的一种方法。 关键词 模糊综合评价;层次分析法;城市园林绿化质量 Abstract Comprehensive evaluation refers to things or systems by considering a variety of factors influence its overall assessment. In practical applications, the object is often affected by various evaluation uncertainties and fuzziness, fuzzy evaluation theory and comprehensive evaluation method was called the classic combination of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Paste is comprehensive evaluation based on fuzzy mathematics, fuzzy relationship synthetic principle, some quantitative factors are quantified, boundary is not clear, not easily evaluation objects from a number of factors to be a method of comprehensive evaluation on the condition of membership grade. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method as a concrete application of the fuzzy mathematics method, has been widely used in many fields. In urban afforestation quality comprehensive evaluation, involves a lot of complicated phenomena and interaction of various factors, and evaluation of the presence of large amounts of fuzzy phenomena and fuzzy concept. Therefore, in the comprehensive evaluation, commonly used in the process of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method of quantitative, the assessment of the quality of the urban? Keywords: Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method; Analytic hierarchy process; Quality of urban landscaping 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 4 1.1课题的背景 4 1.2 研究现状 7 第2章 模糊综合评价的原理 8 2.1模糊综合评价方法 8 2.2模糊综合评价的数学模型 8 2.3模糊综合评价的方法与步骤 9 3.1确定评价指标体系 12 3.2确定评语集 14 3.3数据的预处理 14 3.4确定权重 15 3.4.1定性指标权重的求解 15 3.4.2定量指标权重的求解 16 3.5进行单因素评价 17 3.6对城市园林绿化质量进行模糊综合评价 19 参考文献 23 谢 辞 24 附 录 25 第1章 绪论 1.1课题的背景 模糊综合评价是借助模糊数学的一些概念,对实际的综合评价问题提供一些评价的方法。具体地说,模糊综合评价就是以模糊数学为基础,应用模糊关系合成的原理,将一些边界不清、不易定量的因素定量化,从多个因素对被评价事物隶属等级状况进行综合性评价的一种方法。现代数学是建立在集合论的基础上。集合论的重要意义就一个侧面看,在于它把数学的抽象能力延伸到人类认识过程的深处。一组对


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