Defining Antonymy 定义反义关系英文电子图书.pdf

Defining Antonymy 定义反义关系英文电子图书.pdf

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Defining Antonymy: A Corpus-based Study of Opposites Found by Lexico-syntactic Patterns Abstract Using small sets of adjectival seed antonym pairs, we automatically find patterns where these pairs co-occur in a large corpus of Dutch, and then use these patterns to extract new antonym pairs. Evaluation of extracted pairs by five human judges showed that automatic scores correlate with human evaluation and that pattern based methods can be used to extract new antonym pairs. The majority of extracted pairs were noun-noun pairs, contrary to expectations based on previous research. Additionally, the method identifies a subgroup of co-hyponyms that frequently function antonymously, and together with more traditional antonyms makes up a wider class of incompatibles, suggesting that antonymy is a diverse relation that includes pairs of different types and categories that are not captured by any single linguistic theory. Comparison with Dutch WordNet and an online Dutch dictionary shows that only a handful of extracted pairs are currently listed in these existing resources, emphasizing the usefulness of the project. 1 1. Introduction The pairs rich–poor and wealthy–destitute are generally recognized as good antonyms. On the other hand, the pair athletic–chubby could be opposites in the right context, but could also be perceived as co-hyponyms, because both terms describe physical builds. Most speakers would consider the noun-noun pair man–woman to be opposites, but when asked to list other noun-noun pairs may not be likely to spontaneously list pairs like haves–have nots and inner city–suburbia. This points to the main problem with antonymy – desp


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