john donne 约翰多恩.ppt

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john donne 约翰多恩

John Donne was a major English poet and writer, and perhaps the greatest of the metaphysical poets. His works include love poetry, sermons and religious poems, Latin translations, epigrams, elegies, songs, and sonnets. His poetry was noted for its vibrancy(响亮) of language and immediacy(直接)of metaphor vis-à-vis (和 ······相比) his contemporaries. Trinity College was founded by Henry VIII in 1546 as part of the University of Cambridge. Since then Trinity has flourished and grown, and is now a home to around 600 undergraduates, 300 graduates, and over 160 Fellows. 三一学院 Trinity College 三一学院始建于1546年,作为剑桥大学的一部分由国王亨利八世(King Henry VIII)出资建立,是剑桥最著名、最有钱、最有实力的学院,是剑桥大学31个学院中无可争议的龙头老大。学院建筑气派,而且名人众多,光诺贝尔奖得主就占了32个。三一学院还是英国第三大地产商,排在前两位的是英女王和教会,牛津也有三一学院,据说可以不离开三一学院的地产从剑桥一直走到牛津,可见其地产之多。学院有本科生约660人,研究生约430人。 Lincoln’s Inn In the heart of Central London lies Lincolns Inn, a haven from the roar of traffic and crowded pavements. Lincolns Inn is ancient and is one of the four inns of Court. The Inns of Court are ancient unincorporated bodies of lawyers which for five centuries and more have had the power to call to the Bar those of their members who have duly qualified for the rank or degree of Barrister-at- Law. With the power of call goes a power to disbar or otherwise punish for misconduct, a power which has had to be exercised only infrequently. In modern times, much of the process of education for call to the Bar and of discipline has been carried out by joint bodies; but the four Inns – Lincolns Inn, Inner Temple, Middle Temple and Gray’s Inn to put them in their customary order - remain distinct, as friendly rivals, each with its own property, duties and functions. The Old Hall of the Inn The Chapel of the Inn Cicero, Roman orator Marcus Tullius Cicero was born on January 3, 106 BC and was murdered on December 7, 43 BC. His life coincided with the decline and fall of the Roman Republic, and he was an important actor in many of the significant politic


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