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课前准备 1. 交助教卡. 2. 背诵Lesson11 和Lesson13. 3. 课前十分钟,表演节目。 4. 翻开练习册Lesson11,放在桌上老师检查。 Lesson15 Your passports, please. Watch the video and answer the question. Is there a problem with the Customs officer? Is there... ? 有没有。。。? problem 问题,疑问 New words Dialogue Question1:nationality Are you Swedish? ---No, we are not. We are Danish. Are your friends Danish,too? ---No, they arent. They are Norwegian. are not=arent I (我) ------ we(我们) he/she/it(他、她、它)------ they (他们) Dialogue Passport Your passports, please. (祈使句) ---Here they are. (复数) Here it is. (单数) Dialogue Question2:luggages(行李) Are these your cases? ---No, they arent. Our cases are brown. Here they are. Is this your case? No, it isnt. Dialogue Question3:purpose(目的) Are you tourists? ---Yes, we are. Are your friends tourists, too? ---Yes, they are. Dialogue Finished...(检查完后) Thats fine.(=Fine./Its ok.) ---Thank you very much. Grammar focus 名词: 1、普通名词(可数名词):a pen、a book 2、物质名词(不可数名词):water、milk 3、专有名词:Mt. Tai(泰山)、the Great Wall(长城)、Summer Palace(颐和园) 4、集体名词:police、people、family 5、抽象名词:beauty、wisdom Grammar focus Grammar focus Rules: Grammar focus Grammar focus Grammar focus Grammar focus Grammar focus Exercise: a pencil--- a zoo-- an eraser-- an apple-- a dish-- a fox-- a wolf-- a blouse-- Practice Time Open your book and turn to P32. Oral practice: Pair work P31 Notice 1. 4.27-4.28(下周六周日)不上课,往后顺延,5.4-5.5(下下周末)上课。5.1(星期三)晚的QQ辅导暂停一次。 4.25晚6:30我校为2-4月生日的同学举办生日晚会,请相关的同学和家长准时来校参加晚会。 * * 海关官员=? 看,这是一名海关官员。 boy Your passport, please. This is a tourist. These are tourists. brown yellow grey black adjn 颜色的,颜色 red orange What colour is your schoolbag? Its yellow. Its a yellow schoolbag. 丹麦人,丹麦的,丹麦语 荷兰人,荷兰语,荷兰的 俄罗斯人,俄语,俄罗斯的 挪威人,挪


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