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万恋休闲农业区发展现状及其对河北休闲农业建设的启示 成克武 佟新阳 周晓芳 河北农业大学园林与旅游学院 X 关注成功! 加关注后您将方便地在 我的关注中得到本文献的被引频次变化的通知! 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 开心网 豆瓣网 网易微博 摘????要: 休闲农业区建设是推动区域休闲农业发展的重要途径。通过对台湾省万恋休闲农业区休闲农业资源状况、休闲农业开发状况和企业经营状况进行调查分析, 针对河北休闲农业发展进行了探讨, 认为万恋休闲农业区休闲农业资源丰富, 休闲消费场所数量多、类型丰富, 休闲企业经营策略合理, 休闲农业区建设较为成熟;借鉴万恋休闲农业区建设经验, 在河北省休闲农业建设中应重视整体规划和管理, 维护良好的农村环境, 休闲企业应重视对游客体验项目的深度挖掘, 加强企业间的结盟经营和套装营销。 关键词: 休闲农业; 休闲农业区; 休闲农场; 万恋; 河北; 作者简介:成克武 (1970-) , 男, 甘肃镇原人, 博士, 副教授, 研究方向:休闲农业。 收稿日期:2017-06-20 基金:河北农业大学中青年骨干教师境外研修项目 Development status of Wanlian Leisure Agricultural Area and its enlightenment to the construction of leisure agriculture in Hebei province CHENG Kewu TONG Xinyang ZHOU Xiaofang College of Landscape and Tourism, Hebei Agricultural University; Abstract: The construction of leisure agricultural area is an important way to promote the regional development of leisure agriculture.The paper analyzed the leisure agricultural resources, the development status, and the operating status of the leisure agricultural enterprises in Taiwan Wanlian Leisure Agricultural Area, and put forward some suggestions on the development of leisure agriculture in Hebei province.The article concludes that Wanlian leisure agricultural area is rich in leisure agricultural resources and has a large number of leisure and vacation consumption places, thus the business strategy of the leisure enterprises is reasonable and the construction of the leisure agricultural area is relatively mature.Taking the construction experience of Wanlian Leisure Agricultural Area for reference, the development of leisure agriculture in Hebei province should attach much importance to overall planning, construction and management of itself and maintain a good status of the rural environment.The leisure agricultural enterprises should pay attention to the in-depth exploitation of the visitors experience project, and strengthen the alliance and marketing among enterprises. Keyword: leisure agriculture; leisure agricultural area; leisu


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