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文章编号:1002—9826(2012)05—0046—07中国体育科技2012年(第48卷)第5期CHINA SPoRT SCIENCE AND TECHNOL(XjYV01.48,No.5,46—52,2012.从中、外高低杠运动员水平比较试析伦敦奥运会比赛前景Analysis on the Prospects of London Olympic Games through the Comparison of Sino—Foreign Uneven Bars Athletes’Level李效辉LI Xiao—Hui摘要:以第42和第43届世界体操锦标赛女子高低杠决赛运动员为主要研究对象,通过对 中、外优秀运动员成套动作的难度、结构和质量等的对比分析,探索伦敦奥运会高低杠比赛 前景:成套动作的D分将接近7分,中、外运动员基本持平,继续提升的空间较小。成套动 作的结构以难度动作及其连接为特征,可分为:以我国擅长的连续大回环单臂转体与飞行动 作的连接,以英国为代表的连续飞行动作的连接和以俄罗斯为主的两两混合连接等三种类 型,其中动感十足的欧洲运动员的编排成为被推崇的方向。面对国际裁判的审美变化,中国 运动员必须在大回环单臂转体和从低杠换握高杠的飞行动作两方面,进行必要的调整和改 进,努力提高完成动作的规格标准,才能在伦敦奥运会上继续取得优异成绩。 关键词:高低杠;动作;结构;难度动作;连接价值Abstract:Taking the women’uneven bar final athletes in the 4 2 th and 4 3 th World Champion—ship as the main object,this paper explores the prospects of uneven bars competition in London Olympic Games through the comparative analysis of the difficult of set movements,structure and quality of Sino—foreign excellent athletes;D point of set movement is closed to 7。Sino—for— eign athletes is basically same,there is less space tO continuous improve.The characteristic of set movement structure,difficulty and connection can be divided into three types which are:the connection of continuous giant swing arm twist represented by China;the connection of contin— UOUS flying movement represented by England and the connection of both represented by Rus— sia.among which the recommended direction is European athletes’completion.Facing interna— tional referees’aesthetic changes,China must make some necessary adjustments and improve— ments on giant swing arm swing and flying movements from low bars to high bars,make ef— forts tO improve the standard of movements completion in order tO continuously achieve excel lent marks in London Olympic Games.Key words:uneTden baH;movement;structure;di/7iculty movements;connection value中图分类号:G832文献标识码:A中国体操健儿在2011年东京世界体操锦标赛中,本 子奖牌总数的1/3;特别是睢禄和姚金男的“双保险”,获 着“锻炼队伍、考察队员、了解对手、发现问题”的宗旨,在 得了平衡木的冠亚军,极大地提高了


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