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四、选择 1. What are you doing? ( ) 当别人问你在干什么的时候,你回答说我正在看电视。 A. I’m watching TV. B.You are watching TV. C.I watch TV. 2. Does she like computer games? ( ) A.Yes, she is. B.Yes, she does. C.Yes, she often does. 3. Who is your father’s father? ( ) A. Grandmother. B.Father C.Grandfather 九、完形填空(15分) 十、完形填空 Jane is my ① .She likes school. Everyday after school , she does her ② . There aren’t any ③ in her homework. She often goes to the ④ with her father. There she can see big trees and many animals. She can see her ⑤ animal----monkey. She loves the forest. ①A. brother B. friend C. pet ②A. homework B .washing C .reading ③A. school B. lessons C. mistakes ④A .forest B. shop C. hospital ⑤A. best B. favorite C. like * 一、Listen and number(根据录音顺序用1. 2. 3…, 给下列句子标序号) ( ) 1. What can you do? ( ) 2. Great! You’re helpful. ( ) 3. Are you helpful at home, Chen Jie? ( ) 4. I can sweep the floor. I can cook the meals. ( ) 5. Sure. 二、 Fill in the blanks填空完成单词 T__esday星期二 w__ndy刮风的 __nglish英语 s__me一些 br__ad面包 M__nday星期一 cl__udy多云的 Ch__nese汉语 w__ter水 __ny任何的 easy_______ hot________ 三、 Fill in the blanks把单词的适当形式写在下面相应的横线上 hotter,easier,hottest,easiest,buses,working,tries,came,women,running, has, took,boxes, having, washes, went, men, flying, goes, got (1)名词复数 bus____ box______ man________ woman__________ (2) -ing形式 work_______ have_______ fly_____ run_______ (3)第三人称单数try ______ wash ________ go___________ have__________ (4)比较级最高级 4. Which animal is the biggest? ( ) A. Cat. B. Tiger C. Elephant. 5. Where is the cat? ( ) A. It’s here. B. It’s on the desk. C. It’s sleeping


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