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安徽工业大学 工商学院英语系学士学位论文 On Carrie’s Pursuit of Happiness in Sister Carrie 浅析嘉莉妹妹中嘉莉对幸福的追求 专 业 英 语 姓 名 X X X 届 别 2006 届 学 号 XXXXX 指导老师 X X X 导师职称 教 授 2010年5月4日 Acknowledgements I can’t truly express how grateful I am to all who have helped me complete this thesis. Much of my success in finishing this journey is because of the support of several wonderful individuals. I give my extreme heartfelt thanks to my supervisor, Professor Liu aiping, who has guided me and assisted me all through my writing of this thesis with utmost patience and understanding. His keen insights and special perspectives have always inspired me into a new world of wonder when I faced seemingly impossible academic missions. Without his generous help, I could hardly complete my project. Professor Liu aiping offered me invaluable materials, advice and overall dedication to the work. It is his passion that has inspired my passion for this field now. My special gratitude go to my roommates, who have sacrificed their spare time to read my thesis and made some corrections on it. They gave me great help with their valuable guidance, careful correction and unfailing patience. My great appreciation also goes to my numerous friends for their encouraging and kind words of support. I am indebted to all people who have given me a hand on my way to the academic fulfillment and achievement. 摘 要 德莱塞是美国历史上著名的作家。写作风格主要是自然主义,他创造了美国文学的新纪元,并且影响了许多当代作家,使他们都成为了他的追随者。嘉丽妹妹被公认为德莱塞自然主义作品中的杰作。小说主要通过分析嘉丽妹妹对幸福的追求探索嘉利妹妹性格。每个人都有自己的追求,如对美貌、地位、金钱等等的追求。然而,有些人总是追求那些永远都无法得到的东西。本篇论文主要讽刺那些永远不满足,永远想往上爬却不管付出任何代价,不管对别人的伤害有多大的人。另外,从本篇论文中我们也可了解为什么有的人总是沉浸在梦想中。通过研究嘉丽妹妹对幸福的追求,我们也可从中得到教训,并且从教训中探索解决这个普遍的社会问题的方法,从而对社会结构提供一些宝贵经验:年轻人应该自尊自爱,独立自信,并且克服一些因社会环境和遗传造成的困难,而不是随波逐流。为达目的不择手段,梦想是不会实现的,就像嘉丽妹妹的梦想一样。 Theodore Dreiser is an outstanding writer in American literary history .Writing in naturalist style, he created a new era of American literature and in


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