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* * 被动语态复习:(The passive voice) 被动语态:被动语态表示句子的主语是动作的承受者。即:某事被如何如何了。如: 1. A great deal of water is used in this city. 2. The house was built in 1978. 3. He will be sent to work in Tibet. 4. His bike is being repaired now. 5. His money has been stolen. 注:只有及物动词才可能有动作的承受者,所以只有及物动词才可用于被动语态。 动词词形变化:被动语态其实质就是动词的词形变化。 被动语态的动词构成: be(助动词) + -ed(及物动词的过去分词) 被动语态的各种时态:被动态的时态变化完全取决于助动词 be 的各种时态变化,而其后的 - ed 是不变化的: 一般现在时:is / are + -ed 一般过去时:was / were + -ed 一般将来时:will be + -ed 过去将来时:would be + -ed 现在进行时:is / are being + -ed 过去进行时:was / were being + -ed 现在完成时:have(has) been + -ed 过去完成时:had been + ed 由上表中我们可以看出,不管是何种时态的被动语态,助动词 be 是不可不用的。 被动态的应用范围:有的时候人们说话时偏重于事情本身而不是做事情的人,比如:这项计划制定得很完善;This plan has been made perfectly. 有的时候不可能、不必要将从事某种动作的人说出来,比如:这里啥时新出了一家商店?When was this newly built shop operated here? 在这样的情境下都需用到被动态。 被动态中如果需要出现行为人,则需用上 by, 如:历史是由人民创造的。 History is created by the people. 被动态中若出现情态动词,助动词 be 无需变化。 1. Wood can be used to make paper. 2. Who should be praised? 3. These books must not be taken out of the room. 4. Chocolate may be sent to him as a present. 5. He will be sent to work in the North-east. 被动语态各种时态练习:(请注意以下各句中动词形式,尤其是助动词 be 的变化形式。 1. I was told to wait for him right here. 2. English is mostly spoken in the English-speaking countries. 3. The project will be finished in two years. 4. He told me that my bike would be used after school. 5. My homework has been handed in beforehand. 6. A steel plant is being built in this city now. 7. He told me that the proposal was being considered at the meeting. 8. He said that the e-mail had been sent to his friend through the Internet. give, lend, offer, ask等需要两个连带成分,一个指人,另一个指事物,如:Mother gave me a tie as my birthday present. 被动态既可以用“人”作为述说对象,也可以以“物”作为述说对象: A: I was given a tie by my mother as my birthday present. B: A tie was given (to) me as my birthday present. 这样的句子多用“人”作为述说对象。 动词词组用于被动态: A:保留介词或副词: This film is often talked about. The baby was looked after by Aunt Lucy. All your compositions must be handed in after class.


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