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I.单词拼写, 用本单元中出现的词语填空:(15分,每小题1.5分) The r_______ why she was ill was that she had eaten bad meat. He gave me some a_______ on how to learn a foreign language. You shouldn’t have hurt her f_______. I ________________(碰巧) to be reading upstairs when he came in. To get as much information as possible, we should learn to _________(交流). It’s ________ ( 正好,确切) twelve o’clock.. 7 Her husband has gone abroad on business. She is quite _________ (牵挂,担心) about him. 8 According to the_______(调查),four fifths of the boys like to play games on the computer, 9He (幸存) in the flood, but unluckily his wife was killed, 10 Yao Ming is a ________ (职业的)basketball player, 第二部分:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分。满分15分) 16.----I will go to climb Mount Tai this Saturday. ---- A.That’s all right B.None of my business C.Have great fun D.Thank you ----Have you found your keys? ----Yes,it was on the playground I found them A.where B.there C.what D.that 18.No one can be sure in a million years. A.what man will look like B.what will man look like C.man will look 1ike what D.what look will man like 19.----How long do you think it will be China sends a mail-made spaceship to the moon?----Perhaps two or three years. A.while B.before C.that D.until 20.----I hear you won the prize in the English contest last week. ----That was the second time I the prize. A.have got B.got C.get D.had got 21.Ira thinks only of herself and doesn’t other people. A.fond of B.look after C.care about D.think over 22.My father coughed badly.I him to give up smoking,but he wouldn’t take my advice. A.tried to persuade B.persuaded C.suggested D.insisted 23. of the mountains in that area covered with trees and grass. A.Two fifth;is B.Two fifth;are C.Two fifths;are D.Two fifths;is 24.When the meeting was ,it was already midnight. A.at the end


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