Peru Overview 秘鲁.ppt

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Peru Overview Peru Files 秘鲁 Location: A country on the Pacific coast of South America . It has borders with Colombia(哥伦比亚)to the north, Brazil to the east, and Chile(智利)to the south. The Pacific Ocean lies to the west. Area: 1,285,220 square kilometers Population: 2720 million (2005 statistics) Capital: Lima The official language: Spanish The capital of Peru: Lima 利马 Lima is on the coast ,but seldom rain all the year, so it is called “the city doesn’t rain”. And Lima is also known as “the garden city” of the South America ,because it has year-round sunshine, refreshing sea breeze, flourishing plants and splendid buildings Lima governed by Spain from the 16th century and gained independence from Spain in 1821 . Mayor square 马约尔广场 presidential palace 总统府 City Hall市政厅 Lima church利马大教堂 The ancient capital of Inca: Cuzco库斯科 Cuzco , a lively city where both Indian and Spanish art can be seen. It has ancient palaces, stone monuments and churches everywhere . Cusco was the capital of the Inca Empire(印加帝国). After the Spanish invasion ,it became the center of colonization and Christianity(基督教) in the Andean world. 库斯科大教堂 Machu Picchu Site马丘比丘 Machu Picchu is one of the most mysterious ancient sites in the world. It is a UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)World Heritage Site. these ruins consist of temples, palaces and about 150 houses. Machu Picchu Site Machu Picchu was constructed around 1450, at the height of the Inca Empire. But it was abandoned just over 100 years later Now, the beauty, the workmanship and history of the place attract millions of tourists each year Alpaca 羊驼 Alpaca’s Shape like sheep and camel .Its appearance is very interesting. Alpacas live in the highland. About 90% live in South America, Peru and Chile Alpacas are an important part of the Andean civilization. Lake Titicaca 的的喀喀湖 Lake Titicaca, the highest lake and the largest freshwater lake in South America .it is also one of the highest freshwater lakes in the wo


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