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龙岗区实验学校2016-2017九上期中质检英语试题 笔试部分(85分)I.词汇测试。(15分)()11. i doubt whether what she said was truth .A. believe b.know c .am not sure ( ) 12. he passed the Maths exam and his parents were happy with the result. A .was satisfied with b. Were bored with c.were disappointed with( ) 13. can you help me improved my chinese ,mike ?i don’t want to let my parents down this time.A .made ....disappointedb.make...excited c. make...happy() 14.mum ,all of my dresses are out of date so i want to buy some new dresses. ---It’s not a good idea, may you have got too many dresses.A. not beautiful b.not fashionable c. not expensive () 15. Young luke felt out of place standing with the strangers.----he should learn to be more confident.A .comfortable b.not comfortable c.peaceful ( ) 16. our team beat their team and won the prize.-----congratulations!A .fightb.won against c.talked with ( ) 17. The victory made all people pleased .A .successb.story c.studio( ) 18. he is one of the celebrated artists in china.A .humorousb.famous c.personal2.选出最佳答案。() 19. to means to do what you are told to do.A .obeyb.conclude c.concern( ) 20 .----does tony has a sense of humour? ----yes he does .it is a to talk with himA .dreamb. Pity c.pleasure( ) 21.----he was that be broke the window.----if he can admit his mistake, he’s still a good boy.A .ashamedb.pleased c.exited( ) 22.---can you a house with a beautiful garden and a bid swimming pool?----yes,i have imagined living in a house like that.A .learn about b.think of c.set off() 23.as family member, we should often our ideas with each other .it’s good for having a close relationship.A .provideb.pretend c.share () 24..----how do you feel about today’s maths homework?---oh, it’s much easier than before. I’ve finished it .it just 15 minutes to finish it. A .without difficultyb.in additionc.in trouble() 25.---i won first prize in english speaking competition ,lily!---_________!You are really great ,Lucy! A.You are welcome B. Yo


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