Unit 6 (De)suggestopedia暗示教学法 (1970-)By Georgi Lozanov.ppt

Unit 6 (De)suggestopedia暗示教学法 (1970-)By Georgi Lozanov.ppt

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Unit 6 (De)suggestopedia暗示教学法 (1970-)By Georgi Lozanov

Unit 6 (De)suggestopedia 暗示教學法 (1970-) By Georgi Lozanov Materials (including props) Origin Originator: in the 1970s by Georgi Lozanov, a Bulgarian psychiatrist-educator (保加利亞的精神科醫師兼教育家 ) An affective-humanistic approach (respect for learners’ feelings): derived from Suggestology Suggestology: science concerned with the systematic study of the non-rational and non-conscious influences that human beings are constantly responding to; involving loading the memory banks with desired and facilitating memories 它的理論基礎源自於精神科醫學中〝非理智、非意識狀態對人之影響〞的研究報告,以及瑜珈中意識狀態、專注力和韻律式呼吸的技巧。 Origin Desuggestion: involving unloading the memory banks or reserves of unwanted or blocking memories; in this method the suggestive atmosphere takes place with soft lights, baroque music, cheerful room decorations, comfortable seating and dramatic techniques used by the teacher in the presentation of material Suggestion: 其實是將學生有興趣、能增進記憶力的內容〝灌輸〞給學生 ;desuggestion則是把阻礙學習的因素像是「擔憂」給排除在外,不被暗示出來。 Principles (1) Most learning takes place in a relaxed but focused state so attentiveness can be manipulated to optimize learning and recall. (2) The emphasis on memorization of vocabulary pairs—a target language item and its native language translation—suggests a view of language in which lexis is central and in which lexical translation rather than contextualization is stressed (3) Six principal components through which desuggestion and suggestion operate Authority: people remember best and are most influenced by information coming from an authoritative source 權威(authority)---Lozanov認為,聽起來極富科學感的語言、深具語言能力和自信心的老師可增進學生上課時記憶力的專注 Infantilization: a teacher-students relation is like that of parent to child; learners take part in role playing, games, songs and gymnastic exercises that help the older students regain the self-confidence, spontaneity and receptivity of the child. 幼兒化(infantization)---教師的權威感讓學生感覺回溯到幼兒時期專心、自發自動學習又有自信的時期 Double-plannedness (involving both hemispheres of the brain (analysis + synthes


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