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计 算 机 系 统 应 用 2014 年 第 23 卷 第 3 期 一种商用文件传输系统① 王佳亮 (上海浦东发展银行信用卡中心, 上海 200120) 摘 要: 研究了一种在商业上使用的高可靠性和高效性的文件传输系统. 基于 Socket 传输, 通过 XML 对传输信 息进行记录与信息交互, 对传输系统进行了完善的传输保障机制设计, 在传输过程中发生的网络瞬断, 在网络恢 复时, 系统可以自动恢复传输, 并可以对于一些已经传输且未传输完成的文件进行断点续传. 系统具有极好的容 错机制, 不会由于一些传输异常而导致系统崩溃. 最后, 商用文件传输系统有详细全面的日志记录, 万一当系统 发生问题时, 可以准确定位问题, 解决问题. 系统配置简单, 操作方便, 在传输大文件时, 由于支持断点续传, 因 此保证了传输的效率, 并在 Windows 7 企业版系统中测试通过. 关键词: socket; 文件传输; 断点续传 Commercial File Transmission System WANG Jia-Liang (Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Credit Card Center, Shanghai 200120, China) Abstract: Studied on a commercial use of high reliability and efficiency of file transfer system. Based on the Socket transmission. Records and information of transmission through XML information interaction, Perfect transmission guarantee mechanism for transmission system design, when it transfers the file, the network transient fault, then the network recovery, the system can automatically recover the transmission, and it can transfer the file which not completed transmission. The system has the good fault tolerance; it cannot breakdown because of the abnormal transmission. The last, the commercial file transmission system has the detailed logging in an all-round way, when the system has the problem, it can position the problem accurately, and solves the problem. System configuration is simple, and easy to operate, when transfer the large file, supporting resume transmission, so it ensures the efficiency of transmission. The system test passed in Windows 7 Enterprise Edition system. Key words: socket; file transfer; breakpoint resumes transmission Internet 从 1969年投入使用以来,


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