(精选)经贸英语文章选读Unit 5 Branding课件.ppt

(精选)经贸英语文章选读Unit 5 Branding课件.ppt

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Unit 5 Branding 品牌 CONTENTS Teaching Aims Background Information Part 1 Part 2 Complement:Introduction of Google TEACHING AIMS After studying this unit, you are required to: 1. Have a general idea of the branding. 2. Understand the methods to regain the golden age of branding. 3. Understand the balance between the corporation brands and our own personal brands. 4. Master the difficult words and expressions. Background Information “品牌”是指产品或服务的象征,它所涵盖的领域包括商誉、产品、企业文化以及整体营运的管理。品牌是给拥有者带来溢价、产生增值的一种无形的资产,它的载体是用以和其他竞争者的产品或劳务相区分的名称、术语、象征、记号或者设计及其组合,增值的源泉来自于消费者心智中形成的关于其载体的印象。因此,品牌可以看作是一个企业竞争力的总和。 Lead-in Questions In your mind, what does the branding mean? What benefits can branding give us? Has the branding been through changes in recent years? If it has, what kind of changes? 品牌的内涵 Brands represented a ‘unique selling point’ —— a clearly and simply stated customer benefit which meant consumers knew exactly what they were buying. Brands were honest. 品牌代表一个“独特的卖点”—— 一个陈述清晰且简明的客户最佳利益,即客户明确的知道他们在买的东西是什么。品牌就是诚信。 Effects of Brands 1)Brands built trust. 品牌建立信任。 2)Building a brand like this might have been expensive, but you were rewarded with higher margins and higher volumes simultaneously. 这样建立一个品牌看似昂贵,但你能同时获得更高的利润和数量。 3)win-win system : brands not only offered consumers better quality products at relatively better prices, they also helped consumers make and implement better decisions. “双赢”系统:品牌不仅在相对更合理的价格提供顾客质量更好的产品,同时它们也有助于顾客做出并且实施更好的决定。 4)Brands helped consumers reduce the cost of making good enough decisions. 品牌帮助顾客减少做“足够好的决定”的成本。 good enough decisions:acceptable risk, good enough price/quality trade-off “足够好的决定”:可接受的风险,足够好的价格/质量交易。 5)They also helped consumers implement these decisions better by being universally available (distribution) and easy to find (distinctive designs and logos). 它们还通过普遍地分布和容易辨识来帮助顾客更好的实施这些决定。 6)Brands were an all-round decision-making service to the consumer. 品牌是一种对于顾客全方位的决策性服务。 Mass advertising cemented the win



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