Software Verification and Validation Plan Template - EII …:软件验证计划模板- EII….doc

Software Verification and Validation Plan Template - EII …:软件验证计划模板- EII….doc

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Software Verification and Validation Plan Template - EII …:软件验证计划模板- EII…

JRA4 Software Package Software Verification and Validation Plan Template Author1 (Author@ ) Institute1 Author2 Institute2 Author3 Institue3 Author?: vmmodel Institute : Signature : Date : Approved by : Institute : Signature : Date : Released by : Institute : Signature : Date : Change Record REVISION DATE AUTHOR SECTIONS/PAGES AFFECTED REMARKS Table of Contents 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Purpose 4 1.2 Reference Documents 4 1.3 Abbreviations and Acronyms 4 1.4 Document Conventions 4 2 Testing Approach 5 2.1 Component Testing 5 2.2 Integration Testing 5 2.3 Conversion Testing 5 2.4 Job Stream Testing 5 2.5 Interface Testing 5 2.6 Recovery Testing 5 2.7 Performance Testing 5 2.8 Regression Testing 5 2.9 Acceptance Testing 6 2.10 Beta Testing 6 3 Test Description 6 3.1 [Test Identifier] 6 3.1.1 Functions 6 3.1.2 Means of Control 6 3.1.3 Test Data 6 3.1.4 Test Procedure 6 4 Environmental Requirements 7 4.1 Hardware 7 4.2 Software 7 4.3 Tools 7 IMPORTANT: This document is designed to provide guidelines for writing Software Verification and Validation Plan. The author should add any new sections that are pertinent to the project. NOTE TO AUTHOR: Italicized blue text throughout this template is provided solely as background information to assist you in creating this document. Please delete all such text, as well as the instructions in each section, prior to submitting this document. ONLY YOUR PROJECT-SPECIFIC INFORMATION SHOULD APPEAR IN THE FINAL VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT. This template covers all the software life cycle phase. For the Requirement Phase, as defined in Software Development Plan, JRA4-PLA-2000-0001, the explanation text of the sections which are not yet relevant have been grayed. Introduction The Software Verification and Validation (VV) is a disciplined approach to assessing software products throughout the software development life c


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