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* * * * * 希望英语教学课件 UNIT SIX Career Women English Department 2005.2 Teaching Aims Achieved by Teaching and Exercises Speaking Reading Listening Writing Text: Career Women Grammar: Infinitives Statements; Dialogue and Short Passage Writing for general and specific purposes Asking and answering questions about career women Part I Warming Up Task: Develop a vocabulary list suited to the theme Suggested Words Kids; housework; confident; stressed; pressure; pets; deal with; relationship; busy; lonely; work from home Steps: 1. Students choose one of the pictures. 2. Students list at least five words about the picture. 3. Use the sentence patterns “…too...to…” and “…both...and…” to describe the pictures. Work in pairs: Do you know any career women? How do they live their life? What seems to be the biggest problem for career women? What do you suggest for them to solve the problem? Part II Learning New Words 1. Quick view of new words and phrases: author 作者 career women 职业妇女 extensive 广泛的 survey 概况; 全面考察 或研究 parental 父母的 marital status 婚姻状况 drop out (of) 退出 workforce 劳动力; 劳动大军 focus 聚焦; 集中 childless 无子女的 comparatively 相对地; 比较而言 kid 孩子 assume v. assumption n. 假定; 设想 stick to 坚持 press comment 新闻评论 widespread 普遍的, 流传广的 reveal 揭示; 披露 astonishing 令人震惊的 neglect 忽视; 忽略 work out 解出;成功 colleague 同事 in contrast 对比之下 distinction 差别 reject 拒绝;驳回 end up 结束;完结 acknowledge 承认 acquire 取得;获得 peer 同等地位的人 set up 设立 corporate 公司的 balance 平衡 workplace 工作场所 absolute 绝对的; 纯粹的 fault 过错 primary 首要的; 根本的 spouse 配偶 executive 执行官 point out 指出 Part II Learning New Words 1. Quick view of new words and phrases: 2. A comparative study of new words and their synonyms 1) status, state, condition, situation PART II Learning New Words status 通常指被认为与同类或同阶层有关的人或物,指人时暗指相对的地位;指物时大致相当于status或situation。例如: Personal allowance depends on your age and material status. 个人津贴取决于你的年龄和具体地位。 What is the current stat


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