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Chapter 1 Creation Pioneers Allusions from Genesis Genesis: the book of beginnings The beginning of the world (1:1-25) The beginning of the human race(1:26-2:25) The beginning of sin in the world(3:1-7) The beginning of the promise of redemption(3) The beginning of family life (4:1-15) The beginning of a man-made civilization(4-9) The beginning of the nations of the world(10-11) The beginning of the Hebrew race (12-50) 1. The Story of the Creation English Poet Pope: Nature, and Nature’s laws lay hid in night. God said, Let Newton be! And all was light. 英国诗人蒲柏模仿《圣经》开篇语说: “自然,和自然的规律都曾在黑夜中隐藏; 上帝说,‘让牛顿出生!’,于是一切都被照亮。” The Creation of Adam (1508) 2. Fall of Man : Adam and Eve Questions: 1. Why didn’t God want Adam to have the ability to know good and evil? 2. Why didn’t God want man to eat the fruits from the tree of life? Figurative expressions: 1. If you try to cover up your misdeed (罪行) with a fig leaf, you will only make it more conspicuous (显著的). 2. bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh. 3. I don’t know him from Adam. 4. Since Adam was a boy,… 5. When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman? Stories: The story of Cain and Abel The story of the flood The Tower of Babel Story of Abraham and his son Issac Curious as Lot’s wife Jacob Wins Esau’s Birthright Stories of Joseph and his brothers 3. The Story of Cain and Abel First son of Adam and Eve: Cain worked the soil. The second son: Abel kept flocks. God was satisfied with Abel’s offering. Cain killed his brother Abel. Question: Why did God show much mercy in the first human murder? Figurative Expression: Am I my brother’s keeper? The curse of Cain Raise cain 4. The story of the flood Figurative expressions: That old car of theirs looks as if it dates from before the Flood. For it is my belief there was never a ship’s company so spoiled since Noah put to sea. – Robert Louis Stevenson While outwardly holding out the olive branch, they were


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