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上海校媒对话美国驻北京使领团副团长问题 1. In America,many genius often throw themselves into the career they interested in and make brilliant success without finishing their college study,such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. In your opinion,is the college education as important as we always believe? 在美国有许多天才常常未完成大学学业,便投身到自己喜欢事业并且创造辉煌的成就,比如比尔盖茨、刚刚逝世的斯蒂夫乔布斯,对于这个问题我想问下您的看法。您认为大学教育对于年轻人的成功是否没有想象中的那么重要? 2. Once I talked with a Greek who work in a foreign company,she thought "It is difficult to work with Chinese People. In Europe and America,she is not the only one who have this kind thought,no matter whether they ever come to China. Do you feel the same with them?And what is your feeling about working with Chinese? 我曾经和一位希腊的外企人士聊天,她觉得“和中国人在一起工作很困难”。不管来或者没有来过中国,有这种想法的欧美人士不在少数。请问您觉得是这样吗?您与中国人共事的感受是什么? 3. I think the culture communication between China and America has not been enough. Many American think China is so beautiful, because their impression of China still stays in the 60s,about the teahouse and Mass Merchandise. But when Chinese go to America,they find it is not as good as we imagine, because our expectation is too high. Do you think what positive measure we should take to remove the misunderstanding of each other. 我觉得中美文化交流程度还不是很够,很多美国人来到中国之后感觉中国好漂亮,因为他们对中国的印象还停留在60年代的茶馆、大卖场。但中国人到美国后却感觉没有想象中的那么好,因为中国人对美国的认识是超前的,认为美国到处都应该是高楼大厦,您对于消除我们两国彼此的误区,有那些积极的举措呢? 4. I want to know if American universities have some youth like us to do the publicity work of college news?If they have ,what difference do you think between us? 我很想了解美国的大学里是否也会有一批像我们一样的青年人,从事校园新闻宣传工作?如果有的话请问中美校媒人民的差别在哪里? 5. If you can use only three words to describe the American culture, which words will you choose? 如果您用3个词来形容美国的文化,您会怎么选择呢 6. This global financial crisis also make more and more people begin to focus on and reflection on the arrangement of the current international monetary system. On October 3rd, the US senate voted on procedural and passed the supervision and reform of燾urrency exchange rate act in 2011


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