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40 4 V ol . 40 N o . 4 200 8 8 Journal of N anjing U niversit y of A ero nautics A st ronautics A ug . 2008 聂 毅 余雄庆 ( , , 2 10016 : 隐身结构是指由蒙皮和多种内部材料组成的、能满足承载要求、并具有明 降低雷达散射截面的结构。本 文首先阐述了一种典型的翼面隐身结构方案。为了进一步挖掘该隐身结构减缩R CS 的潜力, 应用基于代理模型 的优化策略, 对其进行电磁散射特性优化设计。研究结果表明, 经过优化设计后, 在方位和频域上能 著降低翼 面隐身结构R CS 。基于代理模型的优化策略是一种有效的隐身结构低RCS 优化策略。 : 隐身结构; 雷达散射截面; 优化设计; 机翼 : V 2 18: A : 1005-2615( 200 8 04 -0465-04 Optimization Design for Low Detectable Wing Structure N ie Yi, Yu X iong qing ( K ey Labo rat or y o f Fundamental Science for Nat ional Def ense-A dv anced Desig n T echno lo gy of F light Vehicle, N anj ing U niver sity of A ero naut ics A stro naut ics, N anjing , 2 10016, China Abstract: T he low detectable w ing st ruct ure is a ty pe o f t he st ruct ur es consist ed of skin and variet ies of int ernal mat er ials , and has low radar cro ss sect ion ( R CS by co nsidering st ress and ot her requirem ent s. In t his paper, a w ing str ucture w it h low det ect abilit y is illu st rat ed . T o impr ove it s capacity of reducing RCS, t he ef f icient optim iz ation design based on t he sur rog at e mo dels f or elect ro magnetic scatt ering is carr ied o ut . Results indicat e t hat af ter t he opt imizat io n , t he RCS of t he lo w detectable w ing str uctures is radical ly reduced. T he opt imizat ion desig n based on the surrog at e m odels is a valid st rat eg y f or reducing t he RCS of w ing st ruct ure w ith low det ect abil it y . Key words: low det ect able st ruct ures ; radar cross sect ion ; o pt imizat ion desig n ; w ing s , , , , , , ,


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