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Chapter 1 Principles of Business Negotiation Principles of Collaborative Negotiation Collaborative Negotiation Principled Negotiation Negotiation Skills Homework Analysis Collaborative Negotiation It involves people with diverse interests working together to achieve mutually satisfying outcomes. Win/win negotiation Integrative bargaining Features of Collaborative Negotiation Win-win negotiation When all is said and done, you didnt get everything that you wanted, but neither did the other side. Did you win? Answer Two people may receive the same outcome in measurable terms, say $10, but for one side that may be a loss, while for the other it is a win. In other words, expectations determine ones perception of any given result. If you think you won, you did. On the other hand, if you think you were cheated, you did get cheated. Implications Before negotiations you should ask yourself two questions: What is my best-case scenario? What is the least Im willing to settle for? The area in between is called your settlement range. If you can reach an agreement within your settlement range, its a win! Integrative Bargaining Integrative bargaining refers to the potential for the parties interests to be combined in ways that create joint value or enlarge the pie. This strategy focuses on developing mutually beneficial agreements based on long term interests of the disputants. Distributive Bargaining Distributive bargaining is a competitive negotiation strategy that is used to decide how to distribute a fixed resource. The parties assume that they cannot expand the pie, so the more one side gets, the less the other side gets. Case Study 一次,IBM公司同一家大银行做一笔计算机生意,双方为价格争执不下,银行拿另一家公司来压IBM公司。在关键时刻,IBM公司的总经理向银行的负责人问道:“阁下,您是想要和一个硬件商人做生意?还是想找一个合作伙伴?” 对方愣了一下,立即明白了他的意思,说道:“我想找个合作伙伴。” “那么和你的新伙伴握手吧。” 随后两只大手握在一起,生意就此成交了。 What does the manager of IBM mean? Taking each other as friends not as adversaries. Features of Collaborative Negotiation Common interests are


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