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25. Do something you can to keep yourself ________ sitting on your chair for the whole day without exercise. A. on B. of C. from D. to 26. Hurry up! Dont keep our friends ________. A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited 27. Dont close the windows. Please keep them ________ to let the fresh air in. A. to open B. open C. being opened D. opening C B B People say that “an elephant never forgets”. 人 们说 “大象从来不会忘记”。(Unit 5 P29) 【考点精讲】forget的用法 考 点 8 如:Don’t forget to bring your books.不要忘记把书带来。 I forgot telling him about the thing.我忘记告诉过他这件事了。 【考点冲关】 28. She is busy working at school, but she never forgets __________(give) her mother a phone call every day. 29. —Dont forget________ an alarm clock. You need to get up early. —OK, Mum. A. set B. to set C. sets D. setting to give B 30. —Have you forgotten ________ a ruler from Jane? —Oh, yes. Ill return it to her soon. A. borrowing B. borrow C. to borrow D. borrowed A over 100,000 before超过之前的十万(Unit 5 P29) 【考点精讲】辨析over,across, through与cross 考 点 9 单词 含义 图示辨析 over 介词“横过,越过”,指从上方经过、跨越。 jump over the fence 单词 含义 图示辨析 across 介词“横过,穿过”,着重指从一边到另一边,指从表面通过。 walk across the bridge through 介词“穿过,通过,经过”,指从空间内穿过。 go through the tunnel 单词 含义 图示辨析 cross 动词,意为“穿过;横过;越过”,强调动作。 cross the street 【考点冲关】 31. If you want to go to that village, you must walk ________ the wooden bridge.(穿过) 32. They walked ________ the field, and found many beautiful flowers there. A. over     B. cross   C. across   D. through C across 33. Tom and Jack saw a deer when they were going ________ the forest. A. through B. across C. over D. cross 34. A plane flew________ our house and we could hear the big noise it made. A. over B. across C. through D. cross 35. The sunshine


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