影视欣赏全部授课内容arrative 叙述必讲.ppt

影视欣赏全部授课内容arrative 叙述必讲.ppt

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影视欣赏全部授课内容arrative 叙述必讲

Distinguishing between the main plot and subplots can cause some confusion. As a rule of thumb(单凭经验而言), subplots are any parts of the story that are not directly concerned with the protagonist’s pursuit of his goal. For example, in most romantic films the love affair is part of the main plot, because the goal of the protagonist is the loved one. However, in action films or science fiction the love affairs is usually one of the subplots because the protagonist will have a goal of another kind. Subplots The relationship between the main plot and the subplots can take any one of four forms. Complementary(互补): The ideas of the subplot reflect (repeat and/ or develop) the ideas of the main plot. Contradictory(矛盾): The ideas of the subplot go against the ideas of the main plot. Setup(铺垫): The subplot works as a “hook” to interest the audience and draw them indirectly into the main plot. Complicating(复杂化):The subplot complicates the main plot by creating additional problems for the protagonist in his pursuit of his primary (main-plot) goal. * * * “阿基里斯腱(Achilles Tendon)”,就是指我们的跟腱。传说中阿基里斯一出生就被母亲——海中女神塞提斯抓住脚踝倒吊着浸入冥河的水里,从此刀枪不入,但是脚踝由于没浸到河水,于是成了阿基里斯唯一的弱点——真想不通他妈妈为什么不把两只手分别松一松,可能阿基里斯生为凡人,注定不能像神一样完美吧。 超人几乎刀枪不入:超人的外号之一是Man of Steel。他的身体刀枪不入,能在华氏 10,000,000度的高温中生存。另外在身体周围会自然张开一道力场,让他的衣服不会因为攻击而破损。不过却会因为纯能量体而受伤。虽然魔法一般来说对他无效,但是也可能会造成更大的伤害。 弱点:氪星 〔超人故乡〕上的一种矿石,称“克利普顿石”,有分为红、绿两色,绿色可让超人精神虚弱,红色使超人呈现疯狂状态,并引发出邪恶的一面 ,取材自贵气体元素氪。 * The tale begins in the castle of the Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh in Westphalia, home to the Barons naive bastard nephew Candide and the Barons daughter, Lady Cunégonde. The philosopher Dr. Pangloss, tutor to Candide and Cunégonde, teaches them that they live in the best of all possible worlds and that all is for the best”. One day, Candide is evicted from the castle after kissing Cunégonde. Candide, forced to travel extensively, endures a number of extremely unfortunate hardships, and witnesses worse, yet holds on to his optimism for a comically long period of


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