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PAGE PAGE 24 本科毕业论文 中文题目:精华与糟粕-一篇关于英国足球文化的研究 外文题目:Glory and Humiliation-A Study about British Football Culture 院 系 应用外语学院 专 业 英语(国际经贸) 年 级 学 号 学 生 指导教师 截稿日期 四川外语学院教务处制 荣耀与耻辱 ——关于英国足球文化的研究 摘要:英国足球一直在世界足坛扮演着一个重要的角色,近年来,在俱乐部球队取得骄人成绩的同时,整个英国足球联赛体系蒸蒸日上,而英超联赛更是成为世界上运作最成功、最富裕的联赛,这也引来人们对其成功模式的研究,当然,也有人对其产生非议。不过,笔者认为,不论好坏,英国国家文化或者说民族文化在这之中是发挥了重要作用的。 本文就是对英国足球文化的一个研究,分析了英国足球中的精华与糟粕两部分,并挖掘其文化之根—英国文化因素,包括了英国民族,宗教,历史,文化渊源以及英国民族个性等。 正文中,首先简要介绍了英国足球发展史,以期让读者对英国足球有一个粗略的了解,接着,将英国足球文化分为两个部分—“精华”与“糟粕”,并分别就“精华”与“糟粕”两部分论述了英国文化的积极面与消极面,并由此得出结论:英国文化对英国足球产生的是深远且重要的影响。 关键词:足球文化;英国文化;荣耀;耻辱 Glory and Humiliation -A Study about British Football Culture Abstract British football plays an important role all the times in the football world.In recent years when the whole league match system make big progress, club teams have achieved remarkable HYPERLINK /success/ \t _blank success and the FA Primier League have become the most successful and the most wealthy league in the world. This also leads many people to study its operation and modle. Certainly, some of them put forward some criticism.However, the writer thinks, sink or swim, British culture or its ethical culture have taken great effection to the British football culture. This thesis is a research of British football culture, analyzes the two parts of British football culture- HYPERLINK /essence/ \t _blank essence and HYPERLINK /dross/ \t _blank dross, and dig out the root of its British cultural-British race, religion, history, cultural origin and British race personality etc.. In the beginning of the text, the writer introduces British football development history and made the reader have rough understanding to British football .Then he divided British football culture into two parts: essence and HYPERLINK /dross/ \t _blank dross. On the basis of them,the writer discussed respectively the aggressive s



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