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Unit 5(P25-P30) 一、 1.apartment /flat 2. apology 3. appearance(s) 4. applicants 5. appreciated 6.argument 二、 1. 明显的 2. 上诉 3.附录 4. 胃口/食欲 5. 鼓掌 6.涂 7. 应用程序 8. 适当的 9. 批准 10. 大约 11. 建筑风格 三、1.any 2. anything 3. Anyhow/Anyway 4. to do 5. applications 6. appointed 7. having 8.to 9.about/ over 四、1.taking apart 2. appealing to 3. has an appetite for 4. applied to ;for 5. (made) an appointment with 6.approve of 五、1. I apologize for not being able to join you for dinner. 2.The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 3.The new technology was applied to farming . 4.Idappreciate it if you would like to teach me how to use the computer 5. I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to you all. 6.As Teachers Day was approaching ,our class decided to hold a party t celebrate the important day. 7.It covers an ares of 800 aquare kilometers Unit6(P31-P36) 一、 1. arrangements 2. artists 3. ashamed 4. Asian 5. assistant 6. association 7. athletes 二、1.逮捕/拘留 2. 人文学科/文科 3. 人造的/人工的 4. 灰烬 5.方面 6. 评价/评定 7. 任务 8.帮助 9. 假定/设想 10. 宇航员 11. 天文学家12. 气氛/氛围 三、1. by 2. an 3. as/where 4. happened 5. as/so 6. astonishment 7. at 8. to 四、1. arise from/out of 2. aroused our enthusiasm 3. Upon /On arrival 4. arrive at /come to /draw/reach a conclusion 5. As for parents 6. As is often the case 7. ask for the governments permission 8. is associated with 9. at war 10. at a low price 五、1. The book arms the reader with a mass of useful information. 2. Dave arranged for someone to drive him home . 3. Time flies like an arrow . 4. Child as he was ,he knew a lot. 5. Do in Rome as the Romans do. 6. To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoing rich and famous.


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