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better in the technical comprehension and the mental folding tests than those from average universities, students majoring in science and engineering from average universities better than students majoring in literature and social science from key universities, and male students better than female; the occupation of the tested students’ parents showed great influence; (4) The students from key universities made better performance than those from average universities in numerical creativity thinking test, students majoring in science and engineering better than those majoring in literature and social science , the occupation of the tested students’ parents showed great influence; (5) The students majoring in literature and social science acted better than those majoring in science and engineering in the practical creativity test, students from key universities better than those from average universities, and the occupation of the tested students’ parents showed great influence; (6) There is a significant positive relation between the scores of learning motivation and interest of samples and those of technical comprehension, mental folding, and numerical creativity of samples.
Propose six measures helping undergraduates with the development of technical creativity based on the result of an investigation: (1) lay a solid intellectual foundation (2) train good personality (3) open related innovative courses (4) establish new idea, spark initial desire (5) construct innovation-oriented environment (6) increase practical experience, enhance the capacity of doing it by hand.
Key Words : creativity,technical creativity,science, Technique,undergraduate
1 前言
创造力(creativity)一直是心理学 教育学等社会学科探讨的课题 也是至今
仍让学界迷惑 难以界定的概念之一 但创造力又的的确确存在于个体脑力之中 并对整个人类有着巨大意义 人类创造力的发挥推动着人类的进步 给人类带来 了财富和优越的生存条件 人类创造力有何特点创造思维过程是怎样的如何 发现高创造力个体如何提高个体的创造力水平等诸多与创造力有关的问题 也一直激励着许多学者为此孜孜不倦 全力以赴地去探索
1.1 国内外研究现状及问题的提出
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