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中文摘要 在中国,农民问题历来就是国家政治和社会生活的首要问题。中国近现代的 发展史已经表明了:农村和农民的支持与否是一个政权兴衰存亡的关键变量。因 此,当代中国的发展,首先应该是农村的发展,当代中国的进步应该是农村的进 步。农村基层党组织(包括乡镇党委与农村党支部)是基层社会全部工作的领导 核心,是农村社会生活、经济工作的领导者,因此,加强和改进农村基层党组织 的建设,对推进农村社会的全面发展、贯彻执行党在农村的路线、方针、政策具 有重要的意义。 基于这样的考虑,本文将当前农村普遍推行的村民自治与基层党组织作为论 述的主题,结合对当前中国农村社会现实情况的分析,认为当前农村实施的村民 自治是国家建构与社会自发相互互动的结果,村民自治的推行不仅为我国民主政 治建设提供了一个良好的初始形式,也是当前农村社会全面发展的必然选择。同 时,本文还对建国后农村基层党组织在农村现代化过程中的功能进行了划时段的 分析和总结,以便为当前农村基层党组织的建设提供历史的借鉴,而本文重点论 述了村民自治视野下农村基层党组织的建设问题。最后,本文认为 z 当前农村基 层党组织介入村民自治具有一定的必要性,基层党组织的发展与村民自治推进同 时并存构成了我国基层民主的显著特色,两者关系的协调与构筑,决定着未来中 国基层民主的发展方向。 关键词g 村民自治 基层党组织 基层党组织的建设 分类号: D267.2 ABSTRACT The issue of villager always is the important issue in china. The development of Chinese history has proved that the villagers are the key variable. Whether 由ey suppo此 will decide the rise and fall of regime. So in the course of Chinese development ,the development of country is the most important issue. Communist party is the core pf leading in the development of country. As the leading of economy and society work,the re-building of communist party is very pressuring. It will decide 也e future of country. Based on this considering,my paper pay attention to the Self-Governrnent Of Villages in china and the re-building of communist p町ty in county. We think the development of the Self-Governrnent Of Villages in china is inevitable. It is the result of the development society and nation. At 由e same time,we think the development of the Self-Government Of Villages in china create a favorable form for the democracy of china. At the first of pape巳 we analyse the function of communist p缸ty since the CCPA come into ex.istence. 咀len we emphasize the re-building of communist p缸ty in the background of the Self-Governrnent OfVillages. At the last, we think the communist p缸ty leading the SelιGovernrnent Of Villages in county is necess础y.τhe pushing of the Self-Governrnent Of Villages and the development of communist party consist the characteristic of democracy in china. The r



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