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江西 江西理工大学硕士学位论文 摘要 万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 磁齿轮传动永磁同步风力发电机是一类综合磁性齿轮和永磁同步发电机优点的新 型电机。通过将磁齿轮代替传统机械齿轮,可有效降低系统噪声和维修成本等,并实 现发电机的高功率密度和高运行效率,此类电机在风力发电领域具有广阔的应用及发 展前景。 根据课题研究安排,本文主要研究内容和取得成果如下: 1. 磁场调制式磁齿轮运行机理分析。分析了磁齿轮的磁场调制运行机理,利用二 维有限元法进行了磁齿轮中有无调磁极块情况下气隙磁密的谐波分析,进一步 验证调磁极块的磁场调制作用。 2. 磁齿轮传动永磁同步风力发电机结构与设计。详细分析了磁齿轮传动永磁同步 发电机的结构特点,确定了电机的设计方案,推导了电机的数学模型。 3. 电磁特性有限元分析计算。基于有限元分析软件 ANSOFT,建立了电机的二维 有限元分析模型,获得了电机的磁场分布规律,并计算了电机的电磁特性,包 括电机绕组磁链、空载感应电动势、电磁转矩特性、齿槽转矩等。 4. Halbach 磁齿轮传动永磁电机分析设计。以提高电机感应电动势的正弦度为主要 性能目标,综合考虑齿槽转矩因素,将 Halbach 磁体结构应用于磁齿轮传动永 磁同步电机中,电机反电势的正弦度得到提高,齿槽转矩减小,使电机满足高 性能动态要求。 5. 磁齿轮永磁同步电机结构优化分析。为简化电机的结构和制造工艺,在外转子 式磁齿轮传动永磁电机的基础上对其进行优化分析,综合对比优化前后电机的 工作原理及综合性能特性,验证了所提优化方案的理论分析正确性。 关键词:磁齿轮;风力发电;有限元分析;Halbach 阵列;结构优化 I Abstract Abstract Magnetic-geared transmission permanent-magnet synchronous wind power generator is a novel permanent magnet synchronous wind power generator, which compose the advantages of magnetic gear and permanent magnet synchronous generator, Such generator use the magnetic gear instead of traditional mechanical gear, to achieve the organic combination of electromagnetic system and mechanical system, which effectively avoid the potential problems such as noise, and maintenance to improve the generator power density and efficiency, So this kind of generator has a broad application prospect in the field of wind power. The main contents and fruits of this thesis are as follows: Analysis topology and operation principle of magnetic gear. Compare harmonic analysis results of whether the modulator ring is in the gear, special work is done to the modulator ring to stand out its field modulated function in the gear. The structure and design. Analyze the structural characteristics of the generator, get the optimum parameters of generator design, at last presents a mathematical model of the generator. Finite element analysis and calculation of electromagnetic characteristics. Based on finite element analysis software ANSOFT, establish the 2D finite element analysis model of th



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