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5.2.3. Students? difficulties in writing 31
5.2.4 Students? perception of improving writing in English 33
HYPERLINK \l _TOC_250011 Data analysis of the second questionnaire 35
The condition of immersion 35
Possible factors 36
HYPERLINK \l _TOC_250010 Data analysis of the post-test 37
HYPERLINK \l _TOC_250009 The findings of the study 38
Optimize the psychological environment. 38
Promote discussion 39
Provide appropriate feedback 39
HYPERLINK \l _TOC_250008 Chapter Six Implication and Suggestions 41
HYPERLINK \l _TOC_250007 Implication of Immersion theory for English writing teaching 41
Set clear and appropriate goals 41
Provide input 41
Encourage output 42
HYPERLINK \l _TOC_250006 Suggestions on English writing teaching 42
Transform teaching concept 42
Use modern teaching equipment 42
Improve teachers? quality 43
HYPERLINK \l _TOC_250005 Chapter Seven Conclusion 44
HYPERLINK \l _TOC_250004 Conclusion of the research 44
HYPERLINK \l _TOC_250003 Limitations of the research and suggestions for further study 44
HYPERLINK \l _TOC_250002 Bibliography 46
HYPERLINK \l _TOC_250001 Appendix 49
HYPERLINK \l _TOC_250000 Acknowledgements 57
Writing is one of the most important means for people to communicate and also a necessary skill for EFL learners to master. At present the English writing situation in senior high schools is not optimistic. Although many scholars and English teachers have racked their brains in it, the effect is not obvious and the students? writing has never reached the satisfactory result.
There exist two problems in Senior High school writing teaching: 1) some teaching methods are no longer suitable today; 2) the students are not interested in English writing and even afraid of writing a composition. What they will do is just to translate the Chinese idea into English, let alone the theme, structure or creativity.
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