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大学:E强迫认知ffiJ j酷的测.!Ii:研究 中j:jlt 婆 大学生强迫认知因素的测量研究 中文提要 本文以当代二三个强i息认知模型为 2理论框架,自编大学生强迫认知问卷,在全国 6 所高校抽取 636名在校大学生进行研究,在研究中,我们首先进行探索性因素分析, 探索大学生强迫认知的可能结构,然后进行验证性因素分析,对探索性因素分析得出 的可能结构进行验证拟合,以实施交叉验证,寻求大学生强迫认知的最佳模型.研究 结巢发现 g (1)大学生强迫认知问卷具有良好的信度和效度. (2) 大学生强迫认知问卷曲五个因素构成 g 对威胁的评价、完羡主义、思想行 为融合、资任感和确定性.验证性因素模型构建也说明了这五个维度在结构上具有 稳定性. (3)高强迫症状的大学生的强迫认知水平要离子低强迫症状的大学生,且辈辈界 跟着. (4) 大学生强迫认知与强迫症状存在密切相关,强地认知可以预测大学生的强浪 症状. (5) 不同的强迫认知因紫对强 i JJE状亚 预测效果是不同的. 关键词z 大学集强迫症状强迫认知 作 者$张樱樱 指导教师 z 囊辉杰教授 As辑描ment of ()bj;阳sive Co窃lition in Col1ege Sludents Absltà目 Assessment of Obsessive Cognition in College Students Abstract 刀le contemporary three Obsessive cogn?tíve models were taken as 伽e theory frame. 636S8 were sample 命。m six uníversítíωín the research. The expJore factor analysís was applíed to get the 阴阳ble structure models,whíle the confirmatory factor analysís was usedωωnfmn 由e structure modeJs. The best struαure modeJ was found by Cross-validation. The study su翩翩创; 叽le college s阳dents obsessiveωgnition questíonnaire has a good reliabílíty and valídity. The college students obsessive cogní伽n questionnaíre is composed of 负ve dimens?ons: estimation of threat,perfeαionis m, thought-action fusion,responsibility,and certainty. These five dimensions had the stabilíty in the structure 。T)here l?es great difference between the group who are of hígh marks for the PI and the one 伽at are of low marks for the PI ín TheωlIege students obsessive cognitíon questionna町e. (4) 泪眼∞lIege students obsessíve cognition closely correlates with the obs创创刊嗣ωropulsive symptoms,and the obsωsive ω伊itíon may forecast the obsessive-compulsive symptoms. . σ)ηle different ∞gnítíve cognítíons have different effl侃ts on the forecast of the subtypωof the obsessive-∞mpulsíves沪Dt地:orns. Key words: college students obsessive-compulsíve s严nptoms obsessive ωgnitíon 、;rVitten by Zhang Ying-ying Supervised by 阶1)fessor 丁rone Huge H 苏州大学学位论文独创性声明及使用授权声明 学位论文独创性声明 本人郑重声明 z 所提交的学位论文是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工



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