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国防科 国防科学技术大学研究生院硕士学位论文 国防科 国防科学技术大学研究生院硕士学位论文 第 第 I 页 第 第 II 页 摘 要 悬浮控制系统是磁浮车辆系统的核心子系统。为了推进磁浮技术的不断成熟, 对悬浮控制系统的实时监测和故障状态分析等工作是必不可少的。在底层的悬浮 控制器采用嵌入式操作系统之后,用上位机对悬浮控制系统信息进行实时检测和 分析具备了可能性。以太网是当前发展非常成熟的技术,随着工业控制系统一体 化管理需求的提出,在工业控制网络引入以太网是一个必然的趋势。本文以国防 科技大学研制成功的工程化样车 CMS-04 型中低速磁浮列车悬浮控制系统为对象, 设计并实现了使用以太网作为通信介质的悬浮系统监控平台。 本文的主要工作包括:首先对单铁控制系统建模,从控制系统带宽和其他参 数传递的需求,确定了间隙信号采样频率和网络通信速率;其次,在分析以太网 用于磁悬浮系统的可行性的基础上,建立了以太网通信网络和硬件平台;然后根 据悬浮控制系统实际需求,设计了具体的通信方案,并分析和研究了提高通信效 率的方法,解决了多台下位机与单台上位机通信时的信息阻塞、权限切换和数据 丢帧等问题;结合传感器故障诊断和列车平稳性评价的需求,分别设计了故障诊 断模块和平稳性评价模块;最后介绍了将该监控平台用于唐山试验线两辆 CMS-04 车的情况,经过多次修改和优化,该监控平台满足了悬浮控制系统的需求,对磁 浮列车技术的工程化进程起了积极的促进作用。 主题词:单铁控制模型 工业以太网 传感器故障诊断 Hilbert-huang 变换 Sperling 指标 ABSTRACT The magnetic levitation control system is a key subsystem of the maglev vehicle system. To improve the maglev technology, real-time monitoring and state analysis of the suspension control system are essential. It has become possible for the real-time detection of the controlling information since the embedded processors have been applied in the levitation control system. The Ethernet is a mature technology that has been well developed, and under the management demands for the integrated industrial control system, the introduction of the Ethernet to the levitation control system is inevitable. In this dissertation, a levitation control system monitoring platform using the Ethernet communication technique is designed and implemented for the CMS-04 low-speed maglev train, which has been developed by the National University of Defense Technology. The main work has been done in this thesis includes: The single-electromagnet suspension control system is modeled and analyzed in the frequency domain, and the data sampling frequency and the communication speed are then determined; based on the feasibility analysis of the application of the Ethernet in the maglev system, an Ethernet based network and the related hardware platform are built; according to the demands of the suspension control system



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